Show HN: Clayoven | a minimalist website generator for math, code, and articles

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clayoven is a minimalist website generator with a carefully curated set of features. It has been built at a glacial pace, over a period of seven years, as my website expanded in content. I have a spread of mathematical notes, software-related posts, and even one wider-audience article; it suffices to say that clayoven is good on all three fronts. The source files are written in "claytext", a custom format built for elegance and speed.

The claytext format

Here's an excerpt of claytext, illustrating the main features.

claytext demo (Posts here have been ressurrected from several years ago) << rM-reading.jpg rM-writing.jpg >> I have written a lot of [code]( in the past. # Functors For a fixed field $K$, consider the functors $$ \begin{xy} \xymatrix{ \textbf{Set}\ar@<.5ex>[r]^V & \textbf{Vct}_K\ar@<.5ex>[l]^U } \end{xy} $$ -- [[ void assignHeads(std::vector branchHeads, std::vector headsToStaggerWith, Statement* nestWithin, Statement* toEnclose); ]] (ii) Every element of $A$ is either unit or nilpotent. (iii) $A/\mathfrak{N}$ is a field. 1. The Merge dominates the Split, in which case, the Merge dominates everything lying on the outEdges of the Split leading to the Merge 2. The Split dominates the Merge, in which case, the Split dominates everything on its outEdges leading to the Merge. [^1]: Hat tip to [Sanjoy]( for pointing out the fifth case. [^2]: You might want to merge loops that share a header in a post-pass.

The site-generation engine

All site content is split up into "topics", to put in the sidebar, each of which can either serve as an index to a collection of ContentPages (as a bunch of .clay files in a subdirectory with the name #{topic}), or a single IndexPage (named #{topic}.index.clay). index.clay is special-cased to serve as the root of the site.

So, if you have these files,

index.clay design/template.slim blog.index.clay blog/1.clay blog/2.clay colophon.index.clay 

clayoven automatically builds a sidebar with index, blog and colophon (the IndexPages). /blog will have links to the posts /blog/1 and /blog/2 (the ContentPages). If there are ContentPages for a topic, the IndexPage simply serves to give a introduction, with links to articles appearing after the introduction.

IndexPages and ContentPages are run through the same template.slim, which is expected to conditionally reason about the available accessors. To illustrate, here's a simple template.slim:

doctype html html head title clayoven: #{permalink} body div id="main" h1 #{title} time #{authdate.strftime('%F')} - if paragraph.is_plain? p == paragraph.contents.join "\n" div id="sidebar" ul - if topics - topics.each do |topic| li a href="/#{topic}" = topic

The engine works closely with the git object store, and builds are incremental by default; it mostly Just Works, and when it doesn't, there's an option to force a full build. The engine also pulls out the created-timestamp (authdate) and last-modified-timestamp (pubdate) from git, respecting moves; as long as there is a significant correlation between old content and new content, authdate is calculated on the old content. ContentPages are sorted by authdate, reverse-chronologically, and IndexPages are sorted alphabetically.


Install the slim and sitemap_generator gems, and run clayoven in an empty directory; on a first-run, the necessary template-files are created, and git is initialized. An index.html is produced.

  • clayoven to generate html files incrementally based on the current git index.
  • clayoven aggressive to regenerate the entire site along with a sitemap.xml.gz. Run occassionally, when files are added or removed.
  • clayoven httpd to preview your website locally.

Use MathJax to render LaTeX, and highlight.js to do syntax highlighting.


.clayoven/sitename is URL of the site, excluding the https:// prefix. .clayoven/hidden is a list of IndexFiles that should be built, but not displayed in the sidebar. You would want to use it for your 404 page and drafts.

Workflow and vscode integration

Getting some syntax highlighting in .clay files in vscode is pretty simple: you simply have to tell it to associate the extension with the latex mode. A build-on-save is also pretty easy to set up: write a custom build task, and use an extension to trigger the build on save.


  • Check in the generated html to the site's repository, so that eyeballing git diff can serve as a testing mechanism.
  • Use suitable rewrite rules for your webserver to have URLs without the ugly .html suffix.
  • If you accidentally commit .clay files before running clayoven, running it afterward will do nothing, since it will see a clean git index; you'll need to run the aggressive variant. This kind of situation doesn't occur in the first place if you follow the workflow guidelines.
  • Importing historical content is easy; a git commit --date="#{historical_date}" would give the post an appropriate authdate that will be respected in the sorting-order.
  • Don't bother attempting to optimize the Ruby; the biggest contributor to the runtime, by far, are the multiple shell-outs to git log --follow.

The claytext processor

The claytext processor is, at its core, a paragraph-processor; all content must be split up into paragraphs, decorated with optional first-and-last-line-markers. The function of << ... >>, $$ ... $$, and [[ ... ]] markers should be evident from the example; the marker tokens must be in lines of their own. The first paragraph is optionally a header, and if so, markers ( ... ) must be used. The last paragraph is an optional footer, prefixed with [^\d+]: lines to enable the footer. In a paragraph with lists, each line must begin with the numeral or roman numeral, as shown. The format is strict, and the processor doesn't like files with paragraphs wrapped using hard line breaks, for instance.

PARAGRAPH_LINE_FILTERS matches paragraphs where all lines begin with some regex, and PARAGRAPH_START_END_FILTERS match paragraphs that start and end with the specified tokens. For things that involve using a regex to match text in the middle of a paragraph like the markdown-style links in the example, javascript is the easy way of getting it done.

Planned features, and anti-features

  • A vscode extension for syntax highlighting.
  • Anti: extending claytext in ways that would necessitate an ugly implementation.

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