Supporting Older Assistive Technology Users with an XBox Adaptive Controller #AssistiveTechnology #Gifts @AT_Makers @Xbox

Bill Binko at A.T. Makers provides a video of getting the right XBox hardware and interfacing for assistive technology users who may be more familiar with older AT switch hardware.

We have many folks ask what they can do for switch users who are too old for MyPal Scouts and Zoom Tubes… well, you can get them an XBox! Seriously, it’s a fantastic tool for engagement, social interaction, communication… it’s awesome!

We’ve got a project started getting this into the hands of educators, rehab specialists, etc. that you can learn about at

And right now, it’s on sale — NO! Neither Microsoft nor Logitech are paying us to make this video… they’ve donated some equipment to our recipients, but this is seriously about showing how great these devices are for older kids and adults.

See the full video above for details.