The AWS JPL open source rover challenge #AWS #Robotics #Contest #OpenSource @AWScloud @NasaJPL

A contest to use machine learning to autonomously operate the virtual Open-Source Rover created by the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to explore the surface of Mars.

From December 2 – February 21, 2020 (24:00 PST) | VIRTUAL HACKATHON | 18+ Only

The Challenge

Build and train a reinforcement learning (RL) model on AWS to autonomously drive JPL’s Open Source Rover between given locations in a simulated Mars environment with the least amount of energy consumption and risk of damage.

You will use AWS RoboMaker for the simulation and Amazon SageMaker to build and train your RL model.

We have published all the resources you need to get started in this GitHub repo, including a reference architecture, detailed instructions to set up your simulation and machine learning environments, a virtual model of JPL’s Open-Source Rover, and the simulated Mars world. You will submit your trained RL model along with your code.

We will evaluate all submitted models based on the weighted score and choose the top scoring submissions as winners. The highest scoring solution will also be incorporated into the JPL Open-Source Rover project for future builders to use!

The grand prize is $15,000 USD, second place $5,000.

See for additional details.