The Guardian Interviews Zuckerbot, a Bot Based on Mark Zuckerberg

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As you might already be aware, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is not interview-friendly. The Guardian, however, found a clever workaround to get an exclusive interview with him – the Zuckerbot.

The Guardian teamed up with Botnik Studios to create Zuckerbot, a predictive keyboard trained on all interviews, speeches, blog posts, and testimony of Mark Zuckerberg over the last three years.

After training Zuckerbot, the team had a vast vocabulary of the Facebook CEO comprising of over 200,000 words. Now, the bot was ready to face the interview questions prepared by journalists over at The Guardian and The Observer.

Here a few of my favorite questions and answers from this futuristic interview. You may check out the entire piece on The Guardian here.

Q: How does Facebook give people a voice, Mark?

A: First, I want to thank you all for being a part of my mission. The purpose of Facebook is to bring about internet for people in the digital room. It is about advertising dollars to people who pay to be able to pay. We believe in building $8bn of voice on the platform for dads who are hungry for coffee.

Q: Do you think that Facebook has made the world a better place?

A: Facebook is a happy version of what I am. I am pretty pro people and um … I am definitely strongly about baseball consumption. Friends, we can do better than banning misinformation and dancing in the air. I want to capture the good news here in California: people are clicking on Facebook until they love it.

Q: Would you still be positioning Facebook as an alternative to Chinese censorship if your charm offensive with Xi Jinping had worked and he’d let you into the country?

A: When I look around at all the friendships I can build for augmented leaders, I just have an intense and spiritual experience. I feel completely naked, and I have access to more information than 30,000 million percent of the internet.

I know that I need to build a classifier to get access to whatever data I think up – it may be closely connected to the question of whether anyone is really important – and then I actually … I just post on the internet of time, which is a monolithic thing, and I am so far away, and I am happy, and I am one dimension of content prone to insight, outrage and, increasingly, to self-think.

Q: Should we trust you?

A: I recently uncovered a physical plaque that could potentially be about a billion years old and it already generates about one million hours of video content passively overnight. So you can trust that.

The Zuckerbot seems quite efficient, doesn’t it? While this approach can’t replace face-to-face interviews just yet, we could be seeing similar interviews involving other personalities in the future.

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