The Zeusaphone – The Musical Tesla Coil #MusicMonday

via Bobby Owsinski Blog

Yes, you can make music with lightning. The wonderful singing Tesla coil known as the Zeusaphone(sometimes called a Thoramin) modulates the spark output to produce a low-fidelity square wave that can then be musically manipulated. The musical tone results directly from the passage of the spark through the air.

According to, the concept was “Trademarked in 2007, Zeusaphone™ brand Tesla coils were the world’s first high-performance musical Tesla coils to be brought to the commercial market. Since the invention of the Tesla coil by Nikola Tesla in 1891, never before had a Tesla coil product achieved such an incredible level of precision and control as to be able to amplify music through lightning-like arcs exceeding one million volts of electrical potential. Thus, the revolution in Tesla coil technology began with the Zeusaphone™.”

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The amazing band that plays Tesla coils: ArcAttack