X-Files Creator Chris Carter’s Forgotten Show About VR Soldiers #SciFiSunday

via Kotaku

Harsh Realm is a television show about soldiers trapped inside a virtual reality game that contains an accurate facsimile of everyone on Earth. The only difference from the real world and Harsh Realm, which is what this virtual reality game is called, is that in Harsh Realm, a nuke took out New York City. We follow one soldier who has been ordered to go into the game to take out Santiago, a character played by Terry O’Quinn, who also played Locke on Lost. Santiago is running the world of Harsh Realm like a brutal dictatorship. I want to emphasize that all of this is information that is presented at a whip-cracking pace before the first commercial break. By that point I already felt like the show had gone to unexpected, bizarre places, and the majority of the show hadn’t happened to me yet.

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