A BNF Parser in Forth (1992)
(This article first appeared in ACM SigFORTH Newsletter vol. 2 no. 2)T-Recursive Technology
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1. Introduction
Backus-Naur Form (BNF) is a notation for the formal description of programming languages. While most commonly used to specify the syntax of "conventional" programming languages such as Pascal and C, BNF is also of value in command language interpreters and other language processing.
This paper describes a one-screen Forth extension which transforms BNF expressions to executable Forth words. This gives Forth a capability equivalent to YACC or TMG, to produce a working parser from a BNF language description.
2. BNF Expressions
BNF expressions or productions are written as follows:
production ::= term ... term (alternate #1) | term ... term (alternate #2) | term ... term (alternate #3)
This example indicates that the given production may be formed in one of three ways. Each alternative is the concatenation of a series of terms. A term in a production may be either another production, called a nonterminal, or a fundamental token, called a terminal.
A production may use itself recursively in its definition. For example, an unsigned integer can be defined with the productions
which says that a number is either a single digit, or a single digit followed by another number (of one or more digits).
We will use the conventions of a vertical bar | to seperate alternatives, and angle brackets to designate the name of a production. Unadorned ASCII characters are terminals (the fundamental tokens).
3. A Simple Solution through Conditional Execution
The logic of succession and alternation can be implemented in two "conditional execution" operators, && and ||. These correspond exactly to the "logical connectives" of the same names in the C language (although their use here was actually inspired by the Unix "find" command). They are defined:
: || IF R> DROP 1 THEN ; ( exit on true): && 0= IF R> DROP 0 THEN ; ( exit on false)
|| given a true value on the stack, exits the colon definition immediately with true on the stack. This can be used to string together alternatives: the first alternative which is satisfied (returns true) will stop evaluation of further alternatives.
&& given a false value on the stack, exits the colon definition immediately with false on the stack. This is the "concatenation" operator: the first term which fails (returns false) stops evaluation and causes the entire sequence to fail.
We assume that each "token" (terminal) is represented by a Forth word which scans the input stream and returns a success flag. Productions (nonterminals) which are built with such tokens, ||, and &&, are guaranteed to return a success flag.
So, assuming the "token" words '0' thru '9' have been defined, the previous example becomes:
:'0' || '1' || '2' || '3' || '4' || '5' || '6' || '7' || '8' || '9' ; : && ; : || ;
Neglecting the problem of forward referencing for the moment, this example illustrates three limitations:
a) we need an explicit operator for concatenation, unlike BNF.
b) && and || have equal precedence, which means we can't mix && and || in the same Forth word and get the equivalent BNF expression. We needed to split the production
c) we have made no provision for restoring the scan pointer if a BNF production fails.
We will address these next.
4. A Better Solution
Several improvements can be made to this "rough" BNF parser, to remove its limitations and improve its "cosmetics."
a) Concatenation by juxtaposition. We can cause the action of && to be performed "invisibly" by enforcing this rule for all terms (terminals and nonterminals): Each term examines the stack on entry. if false, the word exits immediately with false on the stack. Otherwise, it parses and returns a success value.
To illustrate this: consider a series of terms
The implementation of this will be described shortly.
b) Precedence. By eliminating the && operator in this manner, we make it possible to mix concatenation and alternation in a single expression. A failed concatenation will "skip" only as far as the next operator. So, our previous example becomes:
c) Backtracking. If a token fails to match the input stream, it does not advance the scan pointer. Likewise, if a BNF production fails, it must restore the scan pointer to the "starting point" where the production was attempted, since that is the point at which alternatives must be tried. We therefore enforce this rule for all terminals and nonterminals: Each term saves the scan pointer on entry. If the term fails, the scan pointer is restored; otherwise, the saved value is discarded.
We will later find it useful to "backtrack" an output pointer, as well.
d) Success as a variable. An examination of the stack contents during parsing reveals the surprising fact that, at any time, there is only one success flag on the stack! (This is because flags placed on the stack are immediately "consumed.") We can use a variable, SUCCESS, for the parser success flags, and thereby simplify the manipulations necessary to use the stack for other data. All BNF productions accept, and return, a truth value in SUCCESS.
5. Implementation
The final BNF parser word set is given on screen 3. Three words implement the essential logic:
| separates alternatives. If SUCCESS is true, it causes an immediate exit and discards the saved scan pointer. Otherwise, it restores the scan position from the saved pointer.
BNF> is used at the end of a production. If SUCCESS is false, it restores the scan position from the saved pointer. In any case, it removes the saved pointer from the return stack.
BNF: name starts the definition of the BNF production name.
;BNF ends a BNF definition.
Finally, there are four words which simplify the definition of token words and other terminals:
@TOKEN fetch the current token from the input.
+TOKEN advance the input scan pointer.
=TOKEN compare the value on top of stack to the current token, following the rules for BNF parsing words.
nn TOKEN name builds a "terminal" name, with the ASCII value nn.
The parser uses the fig-Forth IN as the input pointer, and the dictionary pointer DP as the output pointer. These choices were made strictly for convenience; there is no implied connection with the Forth compiler.
6. Examples and Usage
The syntax of a BNF definition in Forth resembles the "traditional" BNF syntax:
Traditional: prod ::= term term | term term
Forth: BNF: prod term term | term term ;BNF
Screen 6 is a simple pattern recognition problem, to identify text having balanced left and right parentheses. Several aspects of the parser are illustrated by this example:
a) Three tokens are defined on line 4. To avoid name conflicts, they are named with enclosing quotes.
b) Line 9 shows a recursive production, . During the definition of a production, its name is automatically unSMUDGEd.
c) Line 9 also shows a null alternative. This is often encountered in BNF. The null alternative parses no tokens, and is always satisfied.
d) Not all parsing words need be written as BNF productions. Line 6 is Forth code to parse any ASCII character, excluding parentheses and nulls. Note that BNF: and ;BNF are used, not to create a production, but as an easy way to create a conditionally-executing (per SUCCESS) Forth word.
e) Line 11 shows how to invoke the parser: SUCCESS is initialized to "true," and the "topmost" BNF production is executed. on its return, SUCCESS is examined to determine the final result.
f) Line 11 also shows how end-of-input is indicated to the BNF parser: the sequence is defined as the desired BNF production, followed by end-of-line.
Screens 7 and 8 parse algebraic expressions with precedence. This grammar is directly from [AH077], p. 138. The use of the productions
Screens 9 through 11 show how this algebraic parser can be modified to perform code generation, coincident with the parsing process. Briefly: each alternative of a BNF production includes Forth code to compile the output which would result from that alternative. If the alternative succeeds, that output is left in the dictionary. If it fails, the dictionary pointer is "backtracked" to remove that output. Thus, as the parser works its way, top-down, through the parse tree, it is constantly producing and discarding trial output.
This example produces Forth source code for the algebraic expression.
a) The word ," appends a text string to the output.
b) We have chosen to output each digit of a number as it is parsed. (DIGIT) is a subsidiary word to parse a valid digit.
If we needed to compile numbers in binary,
c) After every complete number, we need a space. We could factor
d) In
In all of these cases, an argument may be a number or a sub-expression. If the latter, the entire code to evaluate the sub-expression is output before the postfix operator is output. (Try it. It works.)
e) PARSE has been modified to TYPE the output from the parser, and then to restore the dictionary pointer.
7. Cautions
This parser is susceptible to the Two Classic Mistakes of BNF expressions. Both of these cautions can be illustrated with the production
a) Order your alternatives carefully. If
then all numbers would be parsed as one and only one digit! This is because alternative #1 -- which is a subset of alternative #2 -- is always tested first. In general, the alternative which is the subset or the "easier to-satisfy" should be tested last.
b) Avoid "left-recursion." If
then you will have an infinite recursive loop of
8. Comparison to "traditional" work
In the jargon of compiler writers, this parser is a "top-down parser with backtracking." Another such parser, from ye olden days of Unix, was TMG. Top-down parsers are among the most flexible of parsers; this is especially so in this implementation, which allows Forth code to be intermixed with BNF expressions.
Top-down parsers are also notoriously inefficient. Predictive parsers, which look ahead in the input stream, are better. Bottom-up parsers, which move directly from state to state in the parse tree according to the input tokens, are better still. Such a parser, YACC (a table-driven LR parser), has entirely supplanted TMG in the Unix community.
Still, the minimal call-and-return overhead of Forth should alleviate the speed problem somewhat, and the simplicity and flexibility of the BNF Parser may make it the parser of choice for many applications.
9. Applications and Variations
Compilers. The obvious application of a BNF parser is in writing translators for other languages. (This should certainly strenghten Forth's claim as a language to write other languages.)
Command interpreters. Complex applications may have an operator interface sufficiently complex to merit a BNF description. For example, this parser has been used in an experimental lighting control system; the command language occupied 30 screens of BNF.
Pattern recognition. Aho & Ullman [AH077] note that any construct which can be described by a regular expression, can also be described by a context-free grammar, and thus in BNF. [AH077] identifies some uses of regular expressions for pattern recognition problems; such problems could also be addressed by this parser.
An extension of these parsing techniques has been used to impement a Snobol4-style pattern matcher [ROD89a].
Goal directed evaluation. The process of searching the parse tree for a successful result is essentially one of "goal-directed evaluation." Many problems can be solved by goal-directed techniques.
For example, a variation of this parser has been used to construct an expert system [ROD89b].
10. References
[AH077] Alfred Aho and Jeffrey Ullman, Principles of Compiler Design, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA (1977), 604 pp.
[ROD89a] B. Rodriguez, "Pattern Matching in Forth," presented at the 1989 FORML Conference, 14 pp.
Program Listing
Scr # 3 0 \ BNF Parser (c) 1988 B. J. Rodriguez 1 0 VARIABLE SUCCESS 2 :IN @ >R DP @ >R >R 3 ELSE R> DROP THEN ; 4 : BNF> SUCCESS @ IF R> R> R> 2DROP >R 5 ELSE R> R> DP ! R> IN ! >R THEN ; 6 : | SUCCESS @ IF R> R> R> 2DROP DROP 7 ELSE R> R> R> 2DUP >R >R IN ! DP ! 1 SUCCESS ! >R THEN ; 8 : BNF: [COMPILE] : SMUDGE COMPILE SMUDGE [COMPILE] ; ; IMMEDIATE 10 11 : @TOKEN ( - n) IN @ TIB @ + C@ ; 12 : +TOKEN ( f) IF 1 IN +! THEN ; 13 : =TOKEN ( n) SUCCESS @ IF @TOKEN = DUP SUCCESS ! +TOKEN 14 ELSE DROP THEN ; 15 : TOKEN ( n) ( a) C@ =TOKEN ; Scr# 4 0 \ BNF Parser - 8086 assembler version (c) 1988 B. J. Rodriguez 1 0 VARIABLE SUCCESS 2 CODE -1 # SUCCESS #) TEST, EQ IF, \ if failing, 10 0FDFE # W MOV, ( U ptr) \ backtrack to 11 0 [RP] AX MOV, AX ' DP @ [W] MOV, \ checkpoint 12 2 [RP] AX MOV, AX ' IN @ [W] MOV, 13 THEN, 4 # RP ADD, NEXT \ discard checkpoint 14 \ and continue 15 Scr# 5 0 \ BNF Parser - 8086 assembler version (c) 1988 B. J. Rodriguez 1 CODE | -1 # SUCCESS #) TEST, NE IF, \ if passing, 2 4 # RP ADD, \ discard checkpoint 3 0 [RP] IP MOV, RP INC, RP INC, \ and exit now 4 ELSE, 0FDFE # W MOV, \ else, backtrack, 5 0 [RP] AX MOV, AX ' DP @ [W] MOV, \ leaving checkpoint 6 2 [RP] AX MOV, AX ' IN @ [W] MOV, \ stacked, and 7 SUCCESS #) INC, \ set true for next 8 THEN, NEXT \ alternate 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Scr # 6 0 \ BNF Parser Example #1 - pattern recog. 18 9 88 bjr 19:41 1 \ from Aho & Ullman, Principles of Compiler Design, p.137 2 \ this grammar recognizes strings having balanced parentheses 3 4 HEX 28 TOKEN '(' 29 TOKEN ')' 0 TOKEN 5 6 BNF: @TOKEN DUP 2A 7F WITHIN SWAP 1 27 WITHIN OR 7 DUP SUCCESS ! +TOKEN ;BNF 8 9 BNF: '('')'|| ;BNF 10 11 : PARSE 1 SUCCESS !12 CR SUCCESS @ IF ." Successful " ELSE ." Failed " THEN ; 13 14 15 Scr# 7 0 \ BNF Parser Example #2 - infix notation 18 9 88 bjr 14:54 1 HEX 2B TOKEN '+' 2D TOKEN '-' 2A TOKEN '*' 2F TOKEN '/' 2 28 TOKEN '(' 29 TOKEN ')' 5E TOKEN '^' 3 30 TOKEN '0' 31 TOKEN '1' 32 TOKEN '2' 33 TOKEN '3' 4 34 TOKEN '4' 35 TOKEN '5' 36 TOKEN '6' 37 TOKEN '7' 5 38 TOKEN '8' 39 TOKEN '9' 0 TOKEN 6 7 BNF: '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' 8 | '8' | '9' ;BNF 9 BNF: | ;BNF 10 11 12 13 14 15 Scr# 8 0 \ BNF Parser Example #2 - infix notation 18 9 88 bjr 15:30 1 \ from Aho & Ullman, Principles of Compiler Design, pp.135,178 2 : [HERE] HERE 0 , -2 CSP +! ; IMMEDIATE 3 4 BNF: '(' [HERE] ')' | ;BNF 5 BNF: '-' | ;BNF 6 BNF: '^' | ;BNF 7 BNF: '*' | '/' ;BNF 8 BNF: ;BNF 9 BNF: '+' | '-' ;BNF 10 BNF: ;BNF 11 ' CFA SWAP ! \ fix the recursion in 12 13 : PARSE 1 SUCCESS ! 14 CR SUCCESS @ IF ." Successful " ELSE ." Failed " THEN ; 15 Scr # 9 0 \ BNF Example #3 code generation 18 9 88 bjr 21:57 1 HEX 2B TOKEN '+' 2D TOKEN '-' 2A TOKEN '*' 2F TOKEN'/' 2 28 TOKEN '(' 29 TOKEN ')' 5E TOKEN '^' 3 30 TOKEN '0' 31 TOKEN '1' 32 TOKEN '2' 33 TOKEN '3' 4 34 TOKEN '4' 35 TOKEN '5' 36 TOKEN '6' 37 TOKEN '7' 5 38 TOKEN '8' 39 TOKEN '9' 0 TOKEN 6 7 BNF: {DIGIT} '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' 8 | '8' | '9' ;BNF 9 BNF: @TOKEN {DIGIT} C, ;BNF 10 11 BNF: | ;BNF 12 13 : (,") R COUNT DUP 1+ R> + >R HERE SWAP DUP ALLOT CMOVE ; 14 : ," COMPILE (,") 22 WORD HERE C@ 1+ ALLOT ; IMMEDIATE 15 Scr# 10 0 \ BNF Example #3 code generation 18 9 88 bjr 21:57 1 : [HERE] HERE 0 , -2 CSP +! ; IMMEDIATE 2 3 BNF: '(' [HERE] ')' 4 | BL C, ;BNF 5 BNF: '-' ," MINUS " 6 | ;BNF 7 BNF: '^' ," POWER " 8 | ;BNF 9 BNF: '*' ," * " 10 | '/' ," / " 11 | ;BNF 12 BNF: ;BNF 13 BNF: '+' ." + " 14 | '-' ." - " 15 | ;BNF Scr# 11 0 \ BNF Example #3 - code generation 18 9 88 bjr 21:57 1 BNF: ;BNF 2 ' CFA SWAP \ fix the recursion in 3 4 : PARSE HERE 1 SUCCESS ! 5 CR SUCCESS @ IF HERE OVER - DUP MINUS ALLOT TYPE 6 ELSE ." Failed" THEN ; 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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