A new EdgeBadge/PyBadge game: no step on snek #CircuitPython #EdgeBadge #PyGamer @kristinapanos @HackadayIO

Kristina Panos posts a CircuitPython game project on Hackaday.io – no step on snek.

It runs on the Adafruit Edge Badge, PyBadge, or PyBadge LC and uses the badge buttons as game controls.

The first “real” version of the game is now available. You can grab the required code.py, spritesheet bmp, and map.csv files from the files section here on the io page.  There is a quick video demo in the description (below).

The game currently features 1 map with 3 kinds of enemies: Boots, Flip Flops, and Converse All Stars. Each of them move at a unique speed and/or direction. There are also 3ish obstacles that Blinka can’t move on which make the game a bit more challenging by limiting the players lateral movement. They are a newspaper bin, a transit ticket kiosk, and a vendor stand with an umbrella topper, which technically counts as a 4th type of obstacle.

There are 2 types of building graphics to make top and bottom, “foreground” and “background” sections and 2 colors of doors, though only the green one is hooked up at the moment.

See the video below and the project post on Hackaday.io.