Arduino core memory shield upgraded with @Adafruit LED display #NeoPixels @HackadayIO @bikeandfly

Jussi’s electronics projects sells the Arduino core memory shield on Tindie as a kit. It includes complete documentation and source code and is a neat piece of hardware harkening back to vintage days of the 1950s to the 1970s.

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could actually see which bits in the memory were a 1 vs a 0?

Andy Geppert posts on a project that does visualize the memory state!

This project started as an exploration of “what if…” and lead to the creation this proof-of-concept when I bought one of Jussi Kilpelainen’s 32-bit Core Memory Shields for an Arduino. I found an Adafruit NeoPixel FeatherWing LED display was a pretty close fit with the 4×8 core array, and 3D printed a “light guide” to backlight the cores and show the state of each core.

Check out the YouTube video below to see an updated demo showing how to interact directly with the screen RAM in real-time with a magnet.

And read more about the project on

And see Andy’s Twitter feed for his Core64 board with NeoPixels!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!