Chamber: Sourdough Incubator #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Isometric dark
Chamber is a product designed to maintain steady temperatures for a long periods of time.

Via Trent Fehl’s Blog:

For extended cooking processes that take weeks, months, or even sometimes years, there is not currently a good kitchen-top device that can maintain temperatures above and below room temperature. This is where ‘chamber’ comes in. Using a Peltier cooler (a solid state heat transfer device), ‘chamber’ can heat or cool to maintain set temperature over long periods of time.

‘chamber’ is great for sourdough bread starters, pickling, mushrooms, yogurt, and other long processes. Below are a few photos of the functioning prototype that I’m using to keep my sourdough starter at 26 deg C.

Noted by Hackaday:

Thanks to the Peltier unit, Trent can change the temperature inside the chamber simply by alternating the direction of current flow through the Peltier. He’s doing this with an H-bridge module driven by a Raspberry Pi Zero. When it starts to get too warm in the chamber, the fan on the outside wall vents the heat away. A second fan inside the chamber pulls warm air in when it gets too cold.

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