Chinese Olympic ski team requested a Norway public library to remove books

Chinese skiers want book removed from Meråker library

library Library.Photo. Pixabay

Posted By: Alethea Ellingsen 29. December 2019

Leaders of a delegation of skiers from China wanted a controversial Chinese book at the library in Meråker removed but the library has strongly rejected such a request.

“We have freedom of speech in Norway so that was completely out of the question,” said library manager Anne Marken in Meråker to Adresseavisen.

More than 40 Chinese cross-country talents with 15 coaches and managers are in Meråker to train for the Beijing Olympics in 2022. The training programme is a collaboration between Norway and China.

Adresseavisen reports that in recent weeks there have been three incidents concerning Chinese literature at the library in Meråker. Among the books the delegation wanted removed is one about the Falun Gong movement that has been banned in China since 1999.

“We have had three different inquiries from individuals who have asked us to remove that book. Two to three other books are also mentioned from our  collection. They have said that if any of the Chinese skiers are caught with these books, they are afraid that they would risk being sent to labor camp or prison in China,” Marken told the newspaper.

“I have said that the books in the library are open to them. We cannot remove the contents of the library because of such requests,” she said.

Chinese books from Deichman in Oslo have been sent to the library because of the large Chinese delegation in the municipality.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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