#CircuitPython2020 email from Stew

Blinka in 2020

Stew dropped us an email (posted with permission) to let us know what they’d like to see for CircuitPython in 2020:

Let me start with a little story. I am making my own bike computer that is low-power and does things that others don’t, at least at a reasonable price and the way i want it. So, being an adafruit customer i immediately went to the site to check out circuitpython stuff, as python is in my bag of tricks. But there was so much stuff, with no guide where to start. Which board? Feather? Wing? Fuselage? Landing Gear? Something else? And how do i use it to talk to a paperwhite display? Program it (ide)? How to interface it with other stuff (thinking gps, hall-effect device(s), etc.)?

Sure, i could have hunted around and figured things out, but i’m well past that stage in my career, i want to do the things that haven’t been done before, not re-discover stuff that someone else already knows how to do.

So, i went elsewhere to the raspberry pi.

So, what be the most important thing for me?

A Road Map – it doesn’t have to teach me the nitty-gritty, but it should navigate me through the many products offered, maybe collecting them in a shopping cart along the way. And then point me to the nitty-gritty when i decide which products to use. This all is not rocket science, i did an ai configurator many, many years ago for idms installation, one for general database design, and then another one some years ago for my cs degree (though that was for bikes).

If you don’t want to program the road map, give me a flow chart; that, done well, would be sufficient. (“done well ” is the key here).

I have some other projects i’m working on, and would like to try circuitpython stuff, but, ok, see the section on Road Map.

Tutorials, always a good thing, and making me head to git to figure what’s out there really isn’t top of the line in my book.

-Stew King

#circuitpython2020 is our annual reflection on the state of CircuitPython. We’d love to hear from you too! See the kick-off post for all of the details. Here are all of the previous posts: