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Fiction & Literature

  • Angelou, Maya - On the Pulse of Morning (read by the author) - YouTube
  • Angelou, Maya - Phenomenal Woman - YouTube
  • Angelou, Maya - Still I Rise & On the Pulse of the Morning (read by author) - YouTube
  • Anonymous - Beowulf - Free iTunes - Free MP3s - Reading by Seamus Heaney
  • Apollinaire, Guillaume – Le pont Mirabeau (Read by author in 1913) - Free MP3
  • Apollinaire, Guillaume - Marie (Read by author in 1913) - Free MP3
  • Apollinaire, Guillaume - Le Voyageur (Read by author in 1913) - Free MP3
  • Aragon, Louis - Elsa (read by author) - Free Stream
  • Arnold, Matthew - The Poetry of Matthew Arnold - Free Stream on Spotify
  • Arnold, Matthew - Dover Beach - Free Stream/Download
  • Ashbery, John - Everyman - Free MP3
  • Ashbery, John - “Meditations of a Parrot,” “The Painter” and “The Picture of Little J.A. in a Prospect of Flowers” (read by the author)- Free Stream/MP3
  • Ashbery, John - Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror - YouTube
  • Auden, W.H. - 1st September, 1939; As I Walked Out One Evening; “Song of the Master and Boatswain,” (read by Dylan Thomas) - YouTube
  • Auden, W.H. - 1st September, 1939 - YouTube
  • Auden, W.H. - As I Walked Out One Evening (read by Auden) - YouTube
  • Auden, W.H. - Autumn Song - Free MP3
  • Auden, W.H. - Bucolics and Horae Cononicae (read by Auden) - Free Stream/Download
  • Auden, W.H. - Doggerel by a Senior Citizen (read by Auden) - YouTube
  • Auden, W. H. - In Memory of WB Yeats - YouTube
  • Auden, W.H. - Metalogue to The Magic Flute (read by Auden - Free Stream/Download
  • Auden, W.H. - The Sea and The Mirror (read by the author) - Free Stream/Download
  • Baudelaire, Charles - Les fleurs du mal (in French) - Free Stream
  • Beckett, Samuel - Tailpiece and 23rd Addenda (read by the author) - YouTube
  • Beefheart, Captain - Fallin Ditch, Skeleton Makes Good & More (read by the author) -  YouTube
  • Blake, William - A Little Boy Lost - Free MP3
  • Blake, William - Jerusalem - Free MP3 Zip File
  • Blake, William - Laughing Song - Free MP3
  • Blake, William - London - Free MP3
  • Blake, William - Preface to Milton - Free MP3
  • Blake, William - Piping Down Valleys Wild - Free MP3
  • Blake, William - Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, as read by Allen Ginsberg - Free Stream/MP3
  • Blake, William - The Chimney Sweeper - Free MP3
  • Blake, William - The School Boy - Free MP3
  • Blake, William - Visions of the Daughters of Albion - Free MP3
  • Borges, Jorge Luis - Art of Poetry/Arte Poétic - Free MP3
  • Borges, Jorge Luis - Borges Reads 30 of His Poems in Spanish - Spotify
  • Borges, Jorge Luis - Plainness - Free Stream
  • Bradbury, Ray - If Only We Had Taller Been (read by the author) - YouTube
  • Bronte, Emily - Anticipation - Free MP3
  • Bronte, Emily - Encouragement - Free MP3
  • Bronte, Emily - Poems - Free MP3
  • Bukowski, Charles - 4 Hours of Bukowski Readings - Spotify
  • Bukowski, Charles - At Terror Street and Agony Way - Free Audio
  • Bukowski, Charles - Beer - Animated Video
  • Bukowski, Charles - Bluebird - YouTube Audio
  • Bukowski, Charles - Girl on the Escalator - Vimeo
  • Bukowski, Charles - Hostage - Spotify
  • Bukowski, Charles - Master Collection - Spotify
  • Bukowski, Charles - Something For The Touts, The Nuns, The Grocery Clerks, And You - YouTube Audio
  • Bukowski, Charles - The Laughing Heart (read by Tom Waits) - YouTube Audio
  • Bukowski, Charles - The Crunch and Roll The Dice (read by Bono) - YouTube Audio
  • Bukowski, Charles - The Secret to My Endurance (read by Bukowski) - YouTube Audio
  • Bukowski, Charles - Bluebird and Torched Out (read by Harry Dean Stanton) - YouTube Video
  • Burton, Tim - The Nightmare Before Christmas (read by Christopher Lee) - YouTube Video
  • Byron - Childe Harold: Canto III - Free MP3
  • Byron - Darkness - Free MP3
  • Byron - Newton - Free MP3
  • Byron - She Walks in Beauty - Free MP3
  • Cage, John - Overpopulation and Art - Free Stream
  • Carroll, Jim - Praying Mantis - Spotify
  • Carroll, Lewis - Jabberwocky (read by Neil Gaiman) - YouTube
  • Carroll, Lewis - The Poetry of Lewis Carroll - Spotify
  • Carver, Raymond - Late Fragment - Free Stream
  • Cavafy, C.P. - Ithaca (read by Sean Connery) - YouTube
  • Ciardi, John - As If: Poems New and Selected by John Ciardi (read by the author) - Spotify
  • Cocteau, Jean - Requiem (read by the author) - Free Stream
  • Cohen, Leonard - "For E.J.P" and "You Have the Lovers" (read by Cohen) - Free Stream/Download
  • Coleridge, Samuel - Kubla Khan - Free MP3
  • Coleridge, Samuel - Kubla Khan (read by Benedict Cumberbatch) - YouTube
  • Coleridge, Samuel - Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Free MP3
  • Coleridge, Samuel - The Dungeon - Free MP3
  • Coleridge, Samuel - Poems (Read by Ralph Richardson) - Free Spotify
  • Collins, Billy - The Best Cigarette (Poetry collection read by the author) - Free Spotify
  • Collins, Billy - Soap - Spotify
  • Crane, Hart - “The Broken Tower” and “The Hurricane” (read by Tennessee Williams) - Vimeo
  • Crowley, Aleister - Poems by Aleister Crowley (read by Aleister Crowley) - Spotify
  • Cummings, EE - Somewhere I Have Never Travelled - (read by author) - YouTube
  • Cummings, EE - Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town - (read by author) - YouTube
  • Dante - Inferno (read by John Ciardi) - Spotify
  • DeTroyes, Chretien - Lancelot, or The Knight of the Cart- Stream
  • Dickinson, Emily - An 8 Hour Reading of Emily Dickinson Poetry- YouTube
  • Dickinson, Emily - The Poems of Emily Dickinson, Series 1 - Free iTunes - Free MP3
  • Dickinson, Emily - The Poems of Emily Dickinson, Series 2 - Free MP3
  • Dickinson, Emily - Poems & Letters - Spotify
  • Dickinson, Emily - Because I Could Not Stop for Death - Free MP3
  • Dickinson, Emily - Hope Is the Thing With Feathers - Free MP3
  • Dickinson, Emily - ‘I Started Early–Took My Dog’ - YouTube
  • Dickinson, Emily - There's a certain Slant of light" (read by Susan Howe) - YouTube
  • Donne, John - Death, Be Not Proud - Free Stream/MP3
  • Donne, John - The Good-morrow - Free Stream/MP3
  • Donne, John - The Sunne Rising - Free MP3
  • Ehrmann, Max - Desiderata (Read by Leonard Nimoy) - YouTube
  • Eliot, T.S. - Four Quartets (Read by T.S. Eliot) - YouTube
  • Eliot, T.S. - Four Quartets (Read by Alec Guinness) - YouTube
  • Eliot, T.S. - Journey of the Magi(Read by T.S. Eliot) - YouTube
  • Eliot, T.S. - Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats (Read by T.S. Eliot) - Spotify playlist
  • Eliot, T.S. - The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
  • Eliot, T.S. - The Waste Land - Free MP3
    • Listen to reading by TS Eliot - YouTube 
    • Hear reading by Jeremy Irons and Eileen Atkins - Stream
  • Eliot, T.S. - T.S. Eliot Reading Poems and Choruses - Spotify
  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence - A Coney Island of the Mind - Spotify
  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence - Selections from A Coney Island of the Mind (read by author) - Free MP3 - Free Stream
  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence - Baseball Canto - Free MP3/Stream
  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence - Evil - Free MP3/Stream
  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence - ‘The First and the Last of Everything’ (read by author) - Free Stream
  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence - "Underwear" (read by author) - YouTube
  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence - Wilfred Funk (read by author) - Free MP3/Stream
  • Frost, Robert - A Line Storm Song - Free MP3
  • Frost, Robert - My Butterfly - Free MP3
  • Frost, Robert - October - Free MP3
  • Frost, Robert - Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (read by author) - YouTube
  • Frost, Robert - The Gift Outright (read by author) - YouTube
  • Frost, Robert - "The Road Not Taken," "The Pasture," "Mowing," "Birches," "After Apple-Picking," and "The Tuft of Flowers" (read by the author)  - Free Stream
  • Frost, Robert - Robert Frost Reads His Poetry - Free Spotify
  • Gaiman, Neil - The Mushroom Hunters (read by Amanda Palmer) - Soundcloud
  • Ginsberg, Allen - A Supermarket in California (read by Ginsberg) - Free MP3
  • Ginsberg, Allen - America (read by Ginsberg) - Free Stream
  • Ginsberg, Allen - First Blues: Rags, Ballads and Harmonium Songs - Spotify
  • Ginsberg, Allen - Howl, A Strange New Cottage in Berkeley, and Supermarket in California (read by Ginsberg) - Free MP3/Stream
  • Ginsberg, Allen - Howl (read by Ginsberg, 1959) - YouTube - iTunes
  • Ginsberg, Allen - Howl (first recorded reading of Howl by Ginsberg, 1956) - Free Stream – Free iTunes - Web
  • Ginsberg, Allen - Howl (read by James Franco) - YouTube
  • Ginsberg, Allen - Jahweh and Allah Battle - Free Stream
  • Ginsberg, Allen - Kaddish and other works (read by Ginsberg) - Free Stream
  • Ginsberg , Allen - Mind Breaths (read by Ginsberg) - Free Stream/Download
  • Ginsberg, Allen - Sunflower Sutra  (read by Ginsberg) - Free MP3
  • Ginsberg, Allen - The Last Word on First Blues - Spotify
  • Ginsberg, Allen - The Lion for Real (read by Ginsberg) - Free on Spotify
  • Ginsberg, Allen - "The Shrouded Stranger Of The Night," "Sweet Levinsky," and "Stanzas: Written at Night in Radio City." - Free Stream/Download
  • Ginsberg, Allen - “What would you do if you lost it?” (read by Ginsberg) - Free Stream/Download
  • Ginsberg, Allen - Witchita Vortex Sutra - Spotify
  • Giorno, John - The Death of William Burroughs - Free Stream
  • Hardy, Thomas - Poems (read by Richard Burton) - Spotify
  • Hemingway, Ernest - Second Poem to Mary (read by Hemingway) - Free YouTube
  • Henley, Ernest - Invictus - Free YouTube
  • Hitchcock, Robyn - "If Death is Not the End" (Read by Alan Rickman) - Free Stream
  • Homer, The Odyssey - Free Stream/MP3 Download - Free iTunes
  • Hughes, Langston - Langston Hughes Reads Langston Hughes - Spotify
  • Hughes, Langston - The Dream Keeper and Other Poems of Langston Hughes (read by Hughes) - Spotify
  • Hughes, Langston - The Glory of Negro History - Spotify
  • The Negro Speaks of Rivers (ready by Hughes) - YouTube
  • Hughes, Langston - The Voice of Langston Hughes - Spotify
  • Hughes, Ted - Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes & Peter Porter Read Their Poetry - Spotify
  • Keats, John – To Autumn - Free MP3
  • Keats, John – Ode on a Grecian Urn - Free MP3
  • Keats, John – Ode to a Nightingale (as recited loosely by F. Scott Fitzgerald) - YouTube
  • Keats, John - Ode to a Nightingale (as read by Benedict Cumberbatch) - YouTube
  • Keats, John – On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer - Free MP3
  • Keats, John – When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be - Free MP3
  • Kerouac, Jack - 4 Albums with Kerouac Reciting Poetry & Verse - Spotify
  • Kipling, Rudyard - If (read by Dennis Hopper) - YouTube
  • Kipling, Rudyard – If (read by Michael Caine) - YouTube
  • Kipling, Rudyard – My Boy Jack (read by Ralph Fiennes) - YouTube
  • Kipling, Rudyard – The Gods of the Copybook Headings - Free MP3
  • Kipling, Rudyard – The Way Through the Woods - Free MP3
  • Levertov, Denise - City Psalm, Open Secret, Love Song, The Ache of Marriage, To the Muse, The Certainty (read by the author) - SoundCloud
  • Levine, Philip - The Feed They Lion (read by Philip Levine) - YouTube
  • Lorca, Federico Garcia (Read by Patti Smith) - YouTube
  • Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - Selected Works - Free MP3
  • McCrae, John - “In Flanders Fields" (read by Leonard Cohen) - YouTube
  • Melville, Herman – Ball’s Bluff - Free Stream
  • Merwin, W.S. - After a Storm (read by author) - Free Stream/Download
  • Merwin, W.S. - Berryman (read by Janna Levin - Free Stream
  • Milton, John – On His Blindness - Free MP3
  • Multiple Authors - 19 Century French Poetry, Read in French by Paul Mankin - Spotify
  • Multiple Authors - 20th Century French Poetry, Narrated by Paul Mankin - Spotify
  • Multiple Authors - French African Poetry, Read in French by Paul Mankin - Spotify
  • Nabokov, Vladimir - The University Town (read by Ralph Fiennes) - Free Stream
  • Nash, Ogden - Christmas with Ogden Nash - Spotify
  • Nash, Ogden - Ogden Nash Read Ogden Nash - Spotify
  • Neruda, Pablo - First Poetry Reading in the US (1966) - Free Stream
  • Neruda, Pablo - First Poetry Reading in English (1971) - Free Stream
  • Neruda, Pablo - Birth (Read by Neruda) - Free Stream
  • Neruda, Pablo - Keeping Quiet (Read by Sylvia Boorstein) - Free Stream
  • Neruda, Pablo - Pablo Neruda Lee a Pablo Neruda - Spotify
  • O'Hara, Frank - Animals (read by Zadie Smith) - Free Stream
  • Oliver, Mary - “The Summer Day,” “Little Dog’s Rhapsody in the Night,” “Many Miles” and “Night and the River” (read by the author) - YouTube
  • Plath, Sylvia - Sylvia Plath reading her poetry (23 poems read by the author) - YouTube
  • Plath, Sylvia - Ariel (read by author) - YouTube Stream
  • Plath, Sylvia - A Birthday Present (read by the author) - Free MP3/Stream
  • Plath, Sylvia - Daddy (read by author) - YouTube
  • Plath, Sylvia - Fever 103 (read by the author) - YouTube
  • Plath, Sylvia - Lady Lazarus (read by author) - YouTube
  • Plath, Sylvia - Morning Song (read by Meryl Streep) - SoundCould
  • Plath, Sylvia - Spinster - Soundcloud
  • Plath, Sylvia - The Applicant (read by the author) - YouTube
  • Poe, Edgar Allan – Annabel Lee - Free MP3
  • Poe, Edgar Allan – The Raven (read by Christopher Walken) - YouTube
  • Poe, Edgar Allan - The Raven - Free MP3
  • Pope, Alexander - Nature and Art - Free Stream
  • Pope, Alexander – The Quiet Life - Free Stream
  • Pound, Ezra - Cantico del sole - Free MP3 [text]
  • Pound, Ezra - Canto XVII ("So that the vine burst from my fingers') - Free MP3
  • Pound, Ezra - Canto XXX - Free MP3
  • Pound, Ezra - Canto XLV - Free MP3
  • Pound, Ezra - Canto LVI - Free MP3
  • Pound, Ezra - Homage to Sextus Propertius, Section VI (read by author) - Free MP3
  • Pound, Ezra - Sestina: Altaforte (read by author) - YouTube
  • Pound, Ezra - The Seafarer  (read by author) - Free MP3
  • Rexroth, Kenneth - "One Hundred Poems from the Chinese" and "In Defense of the Earth" (read by the author) - Free Stream
  • Rich, Adrienne - Mourning Poem, Spring Thunder, White Night and other poems (read by author) - Free Stream/Download
  • Rich, Adrienne - "Planetarium" (read by astrophysicist Janna Levin) - Soundcloud
  • Rich, Adrienne - "Power" (read by astrophysicist Roseanne Cash) - Soundcloud
  • Rich, Adrienne - What Kind of Times Are These? (read by the author) - Soundcloud
  • Rimbaud, Arthur – Illuminations - Free MP3 Zip File
  • Rumi - Poems read by  Tilda Swinton, Madonna, Robert Bly & Coleman Barks - YouTube/Soundcloud
  • Sandburg, Carl - A Lincoln Album: Readings by Carl Sandburg - Spotify
  • Sandburg, Carl - Chicago - Free Stream
  • Sandburg, Carl - The People Yes - Spotify
  • Sassoon, Siegfried - Aftermath (Read by Jeremy Irons) - YouTube
  • Sexton, Anne - Waiting to Die (read by author) - YouTube
  • Sexton, Anne - "Her Kind," "The Ambition Bird," "Ringing the Bells," "Music Swims Back to Me," and "The Truth the Dead Know" (read by the author) - Free Stream
  • Sexton, Anne - "With Mercy for the Greedy," "The Starry Night," "Letter Written on a Ferry While Crossing Long Island Sound," and "Self in 1958," (read by the author) - Free Stream
  • Sexton, Anne - Divorce, Thy Name is Woman," "Gods Making a Living," "Jesus Cooks," "Jesus Walking," and "The Fury of Overshoes" (read by the author) - Free Stream
  • Sexton, Anne - "Rowing," "Riding the Elevator Into the Sky," "The Play," "The Rowing Endeth," "Us," and "The Touch" (read by the author) - Free Stream
  • Sexton, Anne - What's That - Spotify
  • Schiller, Friedrich - Poetry of Friedrich von Schiller: Read in German by Kinski - Spotify
  • Shakespeare, William – Shakespeare’s Sonnets - Free MP3s
  • Shelley, Percy Bysshe – Adonais - Free MP3
  • Shelley, Percy Bysshe – Ozymandias of Egypt - Free MP3
  • Shelley, Percy Bysshe – Ozymandias (read by Bryan Cranston) - Free YouTube
  • Shelley, Percy Bysshe - Various Poems (read by Vincent Price) - Free Spotify
  • Smith, Patti - Reading at Columbia University of Poetry That Would Become Horses (1975) - YouTube
  • Smith, Patti - Reading of 12 Poems From "Seventh Heaven" (1972) - YouTube
  • Stein, Gertrude - A Valentine to Sherwood Anderson (read by Gertrude Stein) - Free MP3
  • Stevens, Wallace - “Credences of Summer” and “An Ordinary Evening in New Haven” (read by the author) - Free Stream/Download
  • Stevens, Wallace - "The Idea of Order at Key West," "The Poem that Took the Place of a Mountain," and "Vacancy in the Park" (read by the author) - .au format - .gsm format -.ra format
  • Stevens, Wallace - To an Old Philosopher in Rome (read by the author) - Free MP3
  • Szymborska, Wisława -- Life While-You-Wait (Read by Amanda Palmer) - Soundcloud
  • Tennyson, Alfred Lord – Break, Break, Break - Free MP3
  • Tennyson, Alfred Lord – The Charge of the Light Brigade - Free MP3/Stream - Quicktime - RealPlayer
  • Tennyson, Alfred Lord – The Lotos-Eaters - Free MP3
  • Thomas, Dylan - Dylan Thomas Reads 8 Hours of His Poetry - Spotify
  • Thomas, Dylan - Three Poems Read by W.H. Auden - Free
  • Thomas, Dylan - An Evening with Dylan Thomas - Spotify
  • Thomas, Dylan - Richard Burton Reads 15 Poems by Dylan Thomas - Spotify
  • Thomas, Dylan - Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait’ and 14 Other Poems (read by Richard Burton) - YouTube
  • Thomas, Dylan - Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night (read by the author) - Free MP3/Stream
  • Thomas, Dylan - Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night (read by the Sir Anthony Hopkins) - Free YouTube
  • Thomas, Dylan - The Wild West (read by the author) - Free MP3/Stream
  • Thomas, Dylan - Under Milk Wood (read by the author) - Free MP3/Stream
  • Updike, John – Rainbow (read by author) - Free Stream
  • Valéry, Paul - "Fragment Du Narcisse" (read by author) - Free Stream
  • Virgil – Aeneid - Free MP3 Zip Download
  • Whitman, Walt – O Captain! My Captain! - Free MP3
  • Whitman, Walt – Leaves of Grass - Free MP3 Zip File - Free Stream
  • Whitman, Walt – Song of Myself and Other Poems - Free Stream/MP3
  • Whitman, Walt - Song of Myself (read by James Earl Jones) - Free Stream/Download
  • Whitman, Walt - Song of Myself (read by James Earl Jones) - Free Stream
  • Whitman, Walt - Song of Myself (read by Orson Welles) - Free Stream
  • Whitman, Walt - Song of Myself (read by Eric Forsythe/U. of Iowa) - Free Stream
  • Wilbur, Richard - A Storm in April, The Ride, Shad-Time, Advice From the Muse and Other Poems (read by author) - Free Stream/Download
  • Wilde, Oscar – The Ballad of Reading Gaol - Free MP3/Stream
  • Williams, Tennessee - Selected Poems - Free Stream/Download
  • Williams, Willam Carlos - Selected Poems (read by poet 1954 ) - Free MP3
  • Williams, William Carlos - 39 Poems Read for The Library of Congress Recording Laboratory. May 5, 1945 - Free MP3
  • Williams, William Carlos - The Red Wheelbarrow, Tract, The Defective Record, To a Poor Old Woman, A Coronal, To Elsie, The Wind Increases, Classic Scene (read by poet 1954) - Free
  • Wordsworth, William - Daffodils (Read by Jeremy Irons) - YouTube
  • Wordsworth, William - The Last of the Flock - Free MP3
  • Wordsworth, William – Solitary Reaper - Free MP3
  • Wordsworth, William - Tintern Abbey - Free MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler - William Butler Reads His Own Work - Spotify
  • Yeats, William Butler - The Lake Isle of Innisfree, The Fiddler of Dooney, The Song of the Old Mother, Coole and Ballylee (read by the author) - YouTube
  • Yeats, William Butler – Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven - Free MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler – Byzantium - Real Media
  • Yeats, William Butler – Lake Isle of Innesfree (read by the author) - Free MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler – Lake Isle of Innesfree (read by Anthony Hopkins) - YouTube
  • Yeats, William Butler - Sailing to Byzantium - Free MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler – The Cold Heaven - Free Stream/MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler - The Fiddler of Dooney (read by the author) - Free MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler - The Song of the Old Mother (read by the author) - Free MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler - To my Heart, bidding it have no Fear (read by Richard Dawkins) - YouTube
  • Yeats, William Butler - When You Are Old - Free MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler - When You Are Old (Read by Colin Farrell) - YouTube

Audio Book Podcast Sites

  • Librivox iTunesFeedWeb Site
    • Librivox should be your first stop when looking for audio books. It's the biggest and best collection. Then there are the others.
    • Audiobooks with Annie iTunesFeedWeb Site
    • Audio Literature Odyssey iTunesFeedWeb Site
      • A collection of classics. Henry James, Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson, etc.
    • Classic Poetry Aloud iTunesFeedWeb Site
      • These poetry podcasts provide readings of the great poems of the past.
    • Classic Tales Podcast iTunesFeedWeb Site
      • The whole point is to make unabridged classics not only available, but approachable.
    • iTunesFeedWeb Site
      • Podcasts that bring quality crime stories to an audience worldwide. Produced by crime writer Seth Harwood.
    • Escapepod iTunesFeedWeb Site
      • Collections of well-reviewed audio short stories.
    • Great Books - A Chapter a Day iTunesWeb Site
    • Great Speeches in History iTunesFeedWeb Site
    • JC Hutchins iTunes Feed Web Site
      • The author of the 7th Son Trilogy has made available more than 200 hours of audio and video stories and interviews, all of which are available for free download.
    • Kara's Free AudioBooks iTunesFeedWeb Site
    • Learn
    • Haverford College - Classic/Ancient Text Read Aloud iTunesWeb Site (see site for feeds)
    • Internet Archive
      • Listen to free audio books and poetry recordings courtesy of the Internet Archive.
    • Lawrence Lessig's Free Culture
    • Lit2Go iTunesWeb Site
      • An extensive collection of free audiobooks provided by the University of Southern Florida.
    • Litterature Audio
    • Naropa Poetics Audio Archives
      • Hosts audio recordings of the Beats -- Kerouac, Burroughs, Ginsberg and more.
    • The Penguin Podcast
      • Excerpts read from books newly published by Penguin UK.
    • Podiobooks
      • Provides podcasts of largely sci-fi books that we've never heard of before. But, you never know.
    • Podlit Classic Literature iTunesWeb Site
      • A new classic short story each week.
    • Pseudopod iTunesFeedWeb Site
      • The world's first audio horror magazine
    • Radioboeken iTunesFeedWeb Site
      • "Radiobooks" are just like books, but they will never be printed. They are created by important Dutch and Flemish writers, and will be available in French, English and Spanish versions in 2007.
    • Scott Sigler's Audiobooks iTunes - Feed - Web Site
      • Very well reviewed sci-fi horror works
    • Stories to Go iTunesFeedWeb Site
    • Stranger Things iTunesFeedWeb Site
      • This high-quality video podcast features stories of ordinary people stumbling into strange worlds (a la The Twilight Zone).
    • The Classic Tales Podcast iTunesFeedWeb Site
      • The Classic Tales Podcast makes unabridged classics not only available, but approachable. Includes professional performances.
    • The Public Domain Podcast iTunesFeedWeb Site
    • The Time Traveler iTunesFeedWeb Site
      • Explores vintage American fiction. Orson Welles, Philip K. Dick, etc.
    • The Twilight Series
    • Utopod iTunes - Feed
      • A free French-language podcast, created by Lucas Moreno and and Marc Tiefenauer, that offers readings of fantasy and sci fi stories written by noted authors across the Francophone world.
    • Well Told Tales iTunesFeedWeb Site
      • Pulp fiction audio tales....!!!
    Audio book

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