Getting started in miniature painting #miniaturepainting #gaming

Over the last few years, I have seriously committed myself to the hobby of miniature gaming, painting, and terrain building. I try and paint for an hour or so daily. It is my therapy and escape from the troubles of the world and the incessant buzzing of social media chatter.

One of my new favorite painting and modeling channels is Squidmar Miniatures. In this video, Emil gives a miniature painting 101. This is the sort of thing I wish I’d seen when I first got into painting. He covers everything from the tools and supplies needed, assembling, priming, and basing miniatures, how to use a wet palette, brush care, and more.

The only thing Emil doesn’t really cover is the painting itself, but all of the rest of his channel (and countless others) provide those lessons. Here is a piece I wrote for Boing Boing a couple of years ago which includes additional tips for the beginner (or intermediate) painter.