Making a Ring With Magic Opaque Acrylic #WearableWednesday #3DPrinting @Chardane #CircuitPython
Shared on Charlyn Gonda’s Blog:
I made a ring! It’s using this special material that looks opaque but it actually lets light shine through beautifully. This was a pretty simple project, and you can do it too!
This Sparkle Ring project uses an Adafruit Gemma M0 with CircuitPython to control a Neopixel Jewel inside a laser cut ring enclosure I designed. It requires some soldering, so it’s great to practice if you’re just starting to learn.
Read more and check out charlyn on Twitter!
Every Wednesday is Wearable Wednesday here at Adafruit! We’re bringing you the blinkiest, most fashionable, innovative, and useful wearables from around the web and in our own original projects featuring our wearable Arduino-compatible platform, FLORA. Be sure to post up your wearables projects in the forums or send us a link and you might be featured here on Wearable Wednesday!