OpenAirplane, FlyOtto Shut Down Operations

Rakic notes that he’d left his “day job” in mid-2013 when the beta platform for OpenAirplane launched, and it has been his daily raison d’etre ever since. “Obsession is the level of commitment,” he said in an interview with Flying. Co-Founder Adam Fast was “the smarts behind the curtain,” while Rakic provided the “hustle” he gained fame for around the GA industry. "This was my B school,” he said, and he reflected on how much he has learned since pitching the concept at AeroInnovate at EAA AirVenture in 2011. A 2011 survey of MyTransponder participants drove the numbers the team estimated would enjoy the ability to rent from a wide range of facilities while traveling—but industry is rife with examples of people overestimating their commitment to a cause. Partners and customers alike have expressed regret. “Like Apollo 13, it was a successful failure,” was one comment from a customer.

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