Release of New CISA Insights on Increased Geopolitical Tensions and Threats

Original release date: January 6, 2020

Today, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued a CISA Insights document entitled, “Increased Geopolitical Tensions and Threats” pertaining to the increased tension with Iran. You can read the new CISA Insights at
As the Nation’s risk advisor, CISA is sharing this to ensure you consider how increased geopolitical tensions and threats of aggression might affect you—such as retaliatory cyber and physical attacks. As you read these insights, we hope they assist in how you look at yourself, your facilities, and your operations from the outside-in. Knowing how you may be exposed or targeted will help you to be better prepared (to act, collaborate, and report).
As always, we need to hear from you on whether these insights make a difference and what else you recommend for infrastructure resilience, safety of personnel, and protection of the greater public—collective defense works best when we share what works, communicate, and coordinate. Contact us via or your local CISA field representative.
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from US-CERT National Cyber Alert System