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- Command Line Tools
Mac OS X: Xcode (or OS X 10.9+:
xcode-select --install
)Windows: Visual Studio
Ubuntu /
Linux Mint:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"
sudo zypper install --type pattern devel_basis
Note: If you are new to Node or Express, I recommend to watch Node.js and Express 101 screencast by Alex Ford that teaches Node and Express from scratch. Alternatively, here is another great tutorial for complete beginners - Getting Started With Node.js, Express, MongoDB.
Getting Started
The easiest way to get started is to clone the repository:
# Get the latest snapshot git clone # Change directory cd nodetube # Install backend and frontend dependencies npm run installDeps # Then simply start your app npm start #If you're developing locally, you can boot the app with nodemon with: npm run dev
Note: I highly recommend installing Nodemon. It watches for any changes in your node.js app and automatically restarts the server. Once installed, instead of node app.js
use nodemon app.js
. It will save you a lot of time in the long run, because you won't need to manually restart the server each time you make a small change in code. To install, run sudo npm install -g nodemon
Yarn vs NPM
Yarn is a new JavaScript package manager built by Facebook, Google, Exponent and Tilde. Yarn is not an attempt to replace npm
, it's simply an alternative CLI client for fetching modules from the npm registry but it does have some unique benefits over using npm
, most noticeably speed and consistency (via a lock file which ensures that only specific versions of dependencies are installed). Hackathon Starter includes a yarn.lock
file by default and as project dependencies are updated, this file will be updated to reflect those changes.
To upgrade your local dependencies using Yarn, simply run yarn upgrade
. This will update all dependencies to their latest version based on the version range specified in the package.json
file. The yarn.lock file will be recreated as well. For further information, please see the official documention for managing dependencies and upgrading dependencies. This Yarn vs NPM article by SitePoint also has some very useful information.
The project has an experimental Docker setup, using Docker Compose. It is entirely optional, so if you don't want to use Docker, feel free to ignore it.
If you have Docker installed, there's a non-zero chance that running docker-compose up
is all you need to do to build and start 3 docker containers (one each for the app itself, Redis, and MongoDB). From there, you should be able to connect to http://localhost:49160 and see the app running.
Project Structure
Name | Description |
config/passport.js | Passport Local and OAuth strategies, plus login middleware. |
controllers/api.js | Controller for /api route and all api examples. |
controllers/contact.js | Controller for contact form. |
controllers/home.js | Controller for home page (index). |
controllers/user.js | Controller for user account management. |
models/User.js | Mongoose schema and model for User. |
public/ | Static assets (fonts, css, js, img). |
public/js/application.js | Specify client-side JavaScript dependencies. |
public/js/main.js | Place your client-side JavaScript here. |
public/css/main.scss | Main stylesheet for your app. |
public/css/themes/default.scss | Some Bootstrap overrides to make it look prettier. |
views/account/ | Templates for login, password reset, signup, profile. |
views/api/ | Templates for API Examples. |
views/partials/flash.pug | Error, info and success flash notifications. |
views/partials/header.pug | Navbar partial template. |
views/partials/footer.pug | Footer partial template. |
views/layout.pug | Base template. |
views/home.pug | Home page template. |
.env.example | Your API keys, tokens, passwords and database URI. |
app.js | The main application file. |
package.json | NPM dependencies. |
yarn.lock | Contains exact versions of NPM dependencies in package.json. |
Note: There is no preference how you name or structure your views. You could place all your templates in a top-level views
directory without having a nested folder structure, if that makes things easier for you. Just don't forget to update extends ../layout
and corresponding res.render()
paths in controllers.
List of Packages
Package | Description |
async | Utility library that provides asynchronous control flow. |
bcrypt-nodejs | Library for hashing and salting user passwords. |
cheerio | Scrape web pages using jQuery-style syntax. |
clockwork | Clockwork SMS API library. |
connect-mongo | MongoDB session store for Express. |
dotenv | Loads environment variables from .env file. |
express | Node.js web framework. |
body-parser | Express 4 middleware. |
express-session | Express 4 middleware. |
morgan | Express 4 middleware. |
compression | Express 4 middleware. |
errorhandler | Express 4 middleware. |
serve-favicon | Express 4 middleware offering favicon serving and caching. |
express-flash | Provides flash messages for Express. |
express-status-monitor | Reports real-time server metrics for Express. |
express-validator | Easy form validation for Express. |
fbgraph | Facebook Graph API library. |
github | GitHub API library. |
pug (jade) | Template engine for Express. |
lastfm | API library. |
instagram-node | Instagram API library. |
lob | Lob API library |
lusca | CSRF middleware. |
mongoose | MongoDB ODM. |
node-foursquare | Foursquare API library. |
node-linkedin | LinkedIn API library. |
node-sass-middleware | Sass middleware compiler. |
nodemailer | Node.js library for sending emails. |
passport | Simple and elegant authentication library for node.js |
passport-facebook | Sign-in with Facebook plugin. |
passport-github | Sign-in with GitHub plugin. |
passport-google-oauth | Sign-in with Google plugin. |
passport-twitter | Sign-in with Twitter plugin. |
passport-instagram | Sign-in with Instagram plugin. |
passport-local | Sign-in with Username and Password plugin. |
passport-linkedin-oauth2 | Sign-in with LinkedIn plugin. |
passport-oauth | Allows you to set up your own OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0 strategies. |
paypal-rest-sdk | PayPal APIs library. |
request | Simplified HTTP request library. |
stripe | Offical Stripe API library. |
tumblr.js | Tumblr API library. |
twilio | Twilio API library. |
twit | Twitter API library. |
lodash | Handy JavaScript utlities library. |
validator | Used in conjunction with express-validator in controllers/api.js. |
mocha | Test framework. |
chai | BDD/TDD assertion library. |
supertest | HTTP assertion library. |
Why do I get 403 Error: Forbidden
when submitting a form?
You need to add the following hidden input element to your form. This has been added in the pull request #40 as part of the CSRF protection.
input(type='hidden', name='_csrf', value=_csrf)
Note: It is now possible to whitelist certain URLs. In other words you can specify a list of routes that should bypass CSRF verification check.
Note 2: To whitelist dynamic URLs use regular expression tests inside the CSRF middleware to see if req.originalUrl
matches your desired pattern.
I am getting MongoDB Connection Error, how do I fix it?
That's a custom error message defined in app.js
to indicate that there was a problem connecting to MongoDB:
mongoose.connection.on('error', () => { console.error('MongoDB Connection Error. Please make sure MongoDB is running.'); });
You need to have a MongoDB server running before launching app.js
. You can download MongoDB here, or install it via a package manager. Windows users, read Install MongoDB on Windows.
Tip: If you are always connected to the internet, you could just use mLab or Compose instead of downloading and installing MongoDB locally. You will only need to update database credentials in .env
I get an error when I deploy my app, why?
Chances are you haven't changed the Database URI in .env
is set to localhost
, it will only work on your machine as long as MongoDB is running. When you deploy to Heroku, OpenShift or some other provider, you will not have MongoDB running on localhost
. You need to create an account with mLab or Compose, then create a free tier database. See Deployment for more information on how to setup an account and a new database step-by-step with mLab.
Why Pug (Jade) instead of Handlebars?
When I first started this project I didn't have any experience with Handlebars. Since then I have worked on Ember.js apps and got myself familiar with the Handlebars syntax. While it is true Handlebars is easier, because it looks like good old HTML, I have no regrets picking Jade over Handlebars. First off, it's the default template engine in Express, so someone who has built Express apps in the past already knows it. Secondly, I find extends
and block
to be indispensable, which as far as I know, Handlebars does not have out of the box. And lastly, subjectively speaking, Jade looks much cleaner and shorter than Handlebars, or any non-HAML style for that matter.
How do flash messages work in this project?
Flash messages allow you to display a message at the end of the request and access it on next request and only next request. For instance, on a failed login attempt, you would display an alert with some error message, but as soon as you refresh that page or visit a different page and come back to the login page, that error message will be gone. It is only displayed once. This project uses express-flash module for flash messages. And that module is built on top of connect-flash, which is what I used in this project initially. With express-flash you don't have to explicitly send a flash message to every view inside res.render()
. All flash messages are available in your views via messages
object by default, thanks to express-flash.
Flash messages have a two-step process. You use req.flash('errors', { msg: 'Error messages goes here' }
to create a flash message in your controllers, and then display them in your views:
if messages.errors for error in messages.errors div= error.msg
In the first step, 'errors'
is the name of a flash message, which should match the name of the property on messages
object in your views. You place alert messages inside if message.errors
because you don't want to show them flash messages are actually present. The reason why you pass an error like { msg: 'Error messages goes here' }
instead of just a string - 'Error messages goes here'
, is for the sake of consistency. To clarify that, express-validator module which is used for validating and sanitizing user's input, returns all errors as an array of objects, where each object has a msg
property with a message why an error has occurred. Here is a more general example of what express-validator returns when there are errors present:
[ { param: "name", msg: "Name is required", value: "" }, { param: "email", msg: "A valid email is required", value: "" } ]
To keep consistent with that style, you should pass all flash messages as { msg: 'My flash message' }
instead of a string. Otherwise you will just see an alert box without an error message. That is because, in partials/flash.pug template it will try to output error.msg
(i.e. "My flash message".msg
), in other words it will try to call a msg
method on a String object, which will return undefined. Everything I just mentioned about errors, also applies to "info" and "success" flash messages, and you could even create a new one yourself, such as:
Data Usage Controller (Example)
req.flash('warning', { msg: 'You have exceeded 90% of your data usage' });
User Account Page (Example)
if messages.warning for warning in messages.warning div= warning.msg
is a partial template that contains how flash messages are formatted. Previously, flash messages were scattered throughout each view that used flash messages (contact, login, signup, profile), but now, thankfully it is uses a DRY approach.
The flash messages partial template is included in the layout.pug
, along with footer and navigation.
body include partials/header .container include partials/flash block content include partials/footer
If you have any further questions about flash messages, please feel free to open an issue and I will update this mini-guide accordingly, or send a pull request if you would like to include something that I missed.
How do I create a new page?
A more correct way to be to say "How do I create a new route". The main file app.js
contains all the routes. Each route has a callback function associated with it. Sometimes you will see 3 or more arguments to routes. In cases like that, the first argument is still a URL string, while middle arguments are what's called middleware. Think of middleware as a door. If this door prevents you from continuing forward, you won't get to your callback function. One such example is a route that requires authentication.
app.get('/account', passportConfig.isAuthenticated, userController.getAccount);
It always goes from left to right. A user visits /account
page. Then isAuthenticated
middleware checks if you are authenticated:
exports.isAuthenticated = (req, res, next) => { if (req.isAuthenticated()) { return next(); } res.redirect('/login'); };
If you are authenticated, you let this visitor pass through your "door" by calling return next();
. It then proceeds to the next middleware until it reaches the last argument, which is a callback function that typically renders a template on GET
requests or redirects on POST
requests. In this case, if you are authenticated, you will be redirected to Account Management page, otherwise you will be redirected to Login page.
exports.getAccount = (req, res) => { res.render('account/profile', { title: 'Account Management' }); };
Express.js has app.get
, app.put
, app.delete
, but for the most part you will only use the first two HTTP verbs, unless you are building a RESTful API. If you just want to display a page, then use GET
, if you are submitting a form, sending a file then use POST
Here is a typical workflow for adding new routes to your application. Let's say we are building a page that lists all books from database.
Step 1. Start by defining a route.
app.get('/books', bookController.getBooks);
Note: As of Express 4.x you can define you routes like so:
app.route('/books') .get(bookController.getBooks) .post(bookController.createBooks) .put(bookController.updateBooks) .delete(bookController.deleteBooks)
And here is how a route would look if it required an authentication and an authorization middleware:
app.route('/api/twitter') .all(passportConfig.isAuthenticated) .all(passportConfig.isAuthorized) .get(apiController.getTwitter) .post(apiController.postTwitter)
Use whichever style that makes sense to you. Either one is acceptable. I really think that chaining HTTP verbs on app.route
is very clean and elegant approach, but on the other hand I can no longer see all my routes at a glance when you have one route per line.
Step 2. Create a new schema and a model Book.js
inside the models directory.
const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const bookSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); const Book = mongoose.model('Book', bookSchema); module.exports = Book;
Step 3. Create a new controller file called book.js
inside the controllers directory.
/** * GET /books * List all books. */ const Book = require('../models/Book.js'); exports.getBooks = (req, res) => { Book.find((err, docs) => { res.render('books', { books: docs }); }); };
Step 4. Import that controller in app.js
const bookController = require('./controllers/book');
Step 5. Create books.pug
extends layout block content .page-header h3 All Books ul for book in books li=
That's it! I will say that you could have combined Step 1, 2, 3 as following:
app.get('/books',(req, res) => { Book.find((err, docs) => { res.render('books', { books: docs }); }); });
Sure, it's simpler, but as soon as you pass 1000 lines of code in app.js
it becomes a little difficult to navigate the file. I mean, the whole point of this boilerplate project was to separate concerns, so you could work with your teammates without running into MERGE CONFLICTS. Imagine you have 4 developers working on a single app.js
, I promise you it won't be fun resolving merge conflicts all the time. If you are the only developer then it's fine. But as I said, once it gets up to a certain LoC size, it becomes difficult to maintain everything in a single file.
That's all there is to it. Express.js is super simple to use. Most of the time you will be dealing with other APIs to do the real work: Mongoose for querying database, for sending and receiving messages over websockets, sending emails via Nodemailer, form validation using express-validator library, parsing websites using Cheerio, and etc.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Anthony Mayfield
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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