Slate Takes a Look at How Smartphone Cameras Changed the Way We Document Life #celebratephotography

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Insightful and oh-so-relatable article from Slate by Jane C. Hu that works beautifully as we move into a new year and decade.

If there’s one silver lining to our collective smartphone addiction, it’s the gift of perspective: Do you remember that selfie you snapped to distract yourself from how nervous you felt before going on stage for a talk, or that awful, mean email that upset you so much you needed to share it with friends so they could talk you down? Maybe you’d forgotten, but you got through it after all. Ten years from now, whatever you’re worried about now will just as distant a memory.

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We #celebratephotography here at Adafruit every Saturday. From photographers of all levels to projects you have made or those that inspire you to make, we’re on it! Got a tip? Well, send it in!

If you’re interested in making your own project and need some gear, we’ve got you covered. Be sure to check out our Raspberry Pi accessories and our DIY cameras.