@sommersoft’s 2020: Year Of The Blinka (v3)

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@sommersoft, Adabot’s community mechanic, wrote not one but two gists for #CircuitPython2020. The first covers what he’d like to see for CircuitPython in 2020 and the second is a retrospective on 2019. They cover the what it takes to scale a project to hundreds of repos and many contributors.

Here is a spoiler from the retrospective:

As a self-taught hobbyist, with no professional experience “in the industry”, I can hardly believe that I’ve been a contributing community member for 2 years now. The amount I’ve learned this year alone, is equally surprising to me. It may seem like lip service or puffery, but please take the following with heart-felt gravity: this community is special. Having this space that allows me to experiment, learn, expand, and stumble while offering nothing short of positive inspiration has been amazing. I thank each and everyone of you!


#circuitpython2020 is our annual reflection on the state of CircuitPython. We’d love to hear from you too! See the kick-off post for all of the details. Here are all of the previous posts:

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