Sponsor Nicholas Tollervey on GitHub Sponsors @ntoll @github #opensource #python


Nicholas Tollervey (ntoll) is now sponsorable on GitHub, so for all the times folks out there said “I really want to support ntoll’s work!” here is your chance, if you’ve ever downloaded Mu, please sponsor, we did –

I develop software that helps folks learn the skills and knowledge they need to imagine, develop and program the stuff they want. In addition to writing software, I spend a lot of time researching and thinking about how folks learn, use and create with code.

Examples of my work include the Mu code editor (aimed at beginner programmers and educators), various MicroPython related tools for easily working with embedded / microcontroller based systems, and PyperCard (a simple cross platform GUI toolkit for beginners, based upon HyperCard concepts and written in Python).

These are exercises in digital emancipation, exploration and education.
I value simplicity, compassion, openness, collaboration and fun.

Read more and sponsor. At this time there are 2 sponsors.