@tammymakesthings’ Thoughts on #CircuitPython2020

Blinka in 2020

Tammy posted her thoughts on CircuitPython in 2020 on her blog. Check it out to read about helping monitor blood oxygen levels, library packaging and displayio. Here is a highlight:

I think CircuitPython is an amazing tool which makes the world of microcontrollers and hardware hacking so much more accessible for people who want to move beyond [MakeCode]. The ecosystem has grown by leaps and bounds in 2019, and I’m excited to see what 2020 brings. I’m also excited to increase my level of contribution in 2020, and if you use CircuitPython and love it you should think about contributing too!

#circuitpython2020 is our annual reflection on the state of CircuitPython. We’d love to hear from you too! See the kick-off post for all of the details. Here are all of the previous posts: