The NeoSprite library for animating graphics on NeoPixel strip displays #NeoPixel #CircuitPython

From the Adafruit Forums we hear from cuppaCoffee promoting Aaron Averill’s NeoSprite library:

Hi, I am writing to the forum to promote Aaron Averill’s NeoSprite library. It was very useful for me, a novice, to quickly produce animation for a homemade NeoPixel strip matrix. Please see:

NeoSprite code found at:

It is written for CircuitPython. The examples come with button press code to switch between animations, as demoed in my movie. You can also switch button state to true to play a folder of animations end to end as if it were one long movie. For my 21 x 8 pixel matrix, powered by the Adafruit Feather M4 Express ATSAMD51, I was able to make animations 180 frames long or more, 8 bit, but also could play a folder of animation as if it were a longer movie.

See the forum post, the video below, and the GitHub repo for all the details.