True North creates Royal Mail’s Yearbook for 2019 celebrating how stamps connect people across the world

There are just some things appreciated across the board.

via Creative Boom

Accepting the challenge of uniting 14 diverse topics – from D-Day to The Gruffalo – the yearbook has an overriding theme, ‘Along These Lines’, inspired by the idea that ever since their invention, postage stamps have helped connect people across the world.

To represent that symbolic connection, True North developed a simple but expressive graphic line device. Adapting to reflect the content of each chapter, the line weaves playfully through the book and holds the content together. Each chapter is subtly different. For The Gruffalo, for instance, the line sprouts twigs and branches and interacts with illustrations. While Queen Victoria’s bicentennial – which includes a feature on The Great Exhibition – echoes the outline of the windows at Crystal Palace, where it was held.

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