What is it like raising money for an Animation Studio? by Pasquale D’Silva @pasql @thinko #makerbusiness


Adafruit 2019 3417

What is it like raising money for an Animation Studio? by Pasquale D’Silva

…Feels like we kinda hacked the matrix by releasing our Mr. Puppet video. Pretty quickly after we dropped the video, angels, VCs, studios, & creators started flooding our inbox to take meetings & flapping their checkbooks at us.

A lotta people say fundraising sucks, and they’re generally right. But we’ve been having fun with it. We always bring our pal Burt Starling, (host of BNN) to every meeting, and have him warm the partners up. So far he’s been a pretty smooth talker.

Read more.

Excellent, honest article about raising funds in a unique way, it was refreshing to read. A few specific things I really liked 1) Thinkco used one of my favorite “org charts” from Disney, I added bigger versions below. and 2) Thinkco used Adafruit stuff for their prototypes and more (here’s our post on that). Real hardware and software was used to do the meetings using Mr. Puppet for the VCs to see what Thinkco is all about. 3) They are New York based. The Bay Area gets a lot of the focus and attention around start ups, there are a lot of cool NY software and hardware (and both!) start ups, Thinkco is one of them.

