What is a Pedal Steel Synthesizer? #MusicMonday

via Synthopia

Sound Stone are developing a new type of electro-acoustic synthesizer that uses strings instead of oscillators. They say that it’s a sort of hybrid pedal steel/synth, kind of based of an Ondes Martenot or slide theremin and would like to know what you think of it to determine whether it’s something that they should produce commercially. This is what they have to say…

“We have recently completed a prototype of our new Pedal Steel Synthesizer instrument. Inspired by the rare Ondes Martenot, our instrument uses the Sound Stone sustainer tech along with a slide bar, pitch bending pedal, delay, and a built-in analog filter. A typical synthesizer uses an oscillator for its source tone, but ours uses strings. This adds lush harmonics and a very human quality to the sound.”

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