Fake products, counterfeits, and trademarks at Amazon …


Couple product and trademark related articles about Amazon. The first from the NY Times “All Your Favorite Brands, From BSTOEM to ZGGCD – How Amazon is causing us to drown in trademarks” and “Welcome to the Era of Fake Products” at wirecutter.


Somewhat timely, on our weekly show, we talked about the counterfeits on Amazon of “The Art of Electronics by Horowitz & Hill” – we (Adafruit) purchase the books directly from the publisher (Cambridge Press), and then we see the same book on Amazon cheaper. Some of real, some were counterfeits, but we’ll never get the same kill-everyone-else pricing that Amazon does, or the same pricing a counterfeiter can do. We usually are pretty close with the pricing, but sometimes our price is a little more. The good news is (sorta?) is that we have a ton of customers who have been burned by Amazon over the years from counterfeit text books to counterfeit products, so specifically for the Art of Electronics, getting it from Adafruit is the for-sure way to make sure it’s the real version. We now have the X Chapters in stock and it’s the real one of course.