HOWTO : VirtualBox on Ubuntu, Kali and macOS

(A) Virtualbox guest on Ubuntu, Kali and macOS

On Kali Linux 2020.1 guest, you are not required to install the "Guest Additions CD Image". However, Ubuntu and macOS are required to do so.

On Virtualbox guest with "Shared Folder" feature enabled, you are required to run the following command on the guest and then reboot the guest.

sudo usermod -aG vboxsf $USER

(B) Virtualbox host on Kali linux 2020.1

You are also required to install the following packages on the Kali Host :

sudo apt install virtualbox virtualbox-guest-additions-iso virtualbox-ext-pack virtualbox-qt virtualbox-dkms

The default Virtualbox theme will not displayed properly with Kali Linux xfce's dark theme. You are required to run the following command to make it displaying properly on the host.

sudo sed -i "s/virtualbox \%U/virtualbox \-style Fusion \%U/g" \


(C) Update bash script for Ubuntu and Kali

On Ubuntu, you are required to install "git" beforehand.

sudo apt install git

On Kali, you are required to install "reboot-notifier" beforehand.

sudo apt install reboot-notifier

git clone

cd update-script

chmod +x update_*

When you are using Ubuntu, run :

sudo ./update_ubuntu

When you are using Kali, run :

sudo ./update_kali

That's all! See you.