Plant Diseases Wiki @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

from Tinker Project via

This project can be used to help build knowledge and educate farmers of small communities about the crops they are growing and help early identify and prevent the spread of common plant/crop diseases.

The device is equipped with a camera, where the farmer can take pictures of their plant leaves, the device has a CNN classifier and a knowledge base where it gives info about the crop being grown and also helps predict the health of the crop.

Many villages and towns do not have access to an active internet connection and hence all the processing and data storage happens on the edge device itself and the device needs to be portable to be carried out and used in their field.

When the farmer captures an image the image first goes through a CNN classier and the image is predicted out of the 38 classes, then the prediction is displayed to the user along with additional data on it.

See project!

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