This Website Generates Hilarious "Million Dollar Ideas"

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Thinking of building a unicorn start-up with a million-dollar app? This website may be just the right start for you…or not! is a simple website which generates new ideas that you can use to kickstart your company. Created by Nikolai Bain and Nevin Jojo, the idea of this website is to “provide ideas that resonate with the current tech economy“.

The website is pretty simple. You just open it up and it will show you the “next million dollar idea”. There’s also a “generate new idea” button which brings up new ideas instantly.

Let me give you an example of an idea which was generated while I was using the website: “yet another to-do list app for procrastinating”. You can see that it is still a relevant app idea which is presented in a witty manner. It also keeps track of the latest trends on the web and uses them to create these ideas.

The design of the website is eye-catching with vivid colours and an elegant design language. It is a fun place to explore new ideas and give yourself a chance for imagination.

The website has been created by the duo of Nikolai Bain and Nevin Jojo. Bain is a UI/UX designer based in Wellington and creates simple, elegant and smart interfaces for the web. Some of his projects are FocusFox, which is an online markdown text editor that helps you to stay calm and focused. “New Day” is another of his website which is a simple time management reflection app, without the meditation features (which you won’t use).

Jojo is a software engineering intern at ANZ developing a mobile banking application named goMoney. Mobile developing, backend development, web design, analysis and testing are some of the skills he acquired throughout his life working as a programmer.

Becoming a successful start-up is getting harder and harder with each passing day as it seems every good idea has been taken by big companies like Uber, Zomato and Amazon. But believe me when I say that you just need the right perspective to come up with the next million-dollar idea and this website may act as the trigger for you. So go on and give it a try for yourself in here.

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