Field report: Syrian Army controls new points outside Palmyra. Map Update

Pentagon dispatches new Marine group to fight ISIL in Iraq

Rebel forces storm key town in northern Hama

Car explosion in Qamishli city amid ISIS retreat from Hasakah province

SouthFront: China begins military cooperation with Pakistan, Afghanistan

Car explosion in Qamishli city amid ISIS retreat from Hasakah province

17 сирийских морских пехотинцев погибли под дружественным огнем

ILO to give Qatar a year to ease forced labor before any investigation

Боевики арестовали несколько гражданских за участие в процессе национального примирения

Algerian troops kill six jihadists

Iraqi Army foils ISIL’s infiltration attempt near Al-Ramadi: 8 vehicles destroyed

Saudi air raids kill 11 civilians in Yemen’s Al-Jawf

Breaking: Syrian Army cuts off ISIL’s supply road from Palmyra to Quraytayn

“Джабхат Ан-Нусра” наводит свои порядки в Алеппо: создаются структуры “исламской полиции”

Syrian Army encircles Qaraytayn while battle for Palmyra continues – Map update

Friendly-fire in Palmyra kills 17 Syrian Marines

Rebels arrest civilians in east Hama for reconciling with the Syrian government

Сирийская Армия наткнулась на тела 18 убитых боевиков ИГ севернее Алеппо

IDF carries out covert operation to bring the last Yemeni Jews to Israel

Боевики филиала ИГ захватили город в провинции Дераа