Python Telnet Honeypot For Catching Botnet Binaries - Telnet IoT Honeypot

Scripted Local Linux Enumeration and Privilege Escalation Checks - LinEnum v0.6

Web Service Security Assessment Tool - WSSAT

Nmap 7.60 - Free Security Scanner For Network Exploration & Security Audits

Zemana AntiMalware Portable (32/64 bit)

Dracos Linux

anti-ARP-spoofing application software and uses active scanning method to detect any ARP-spoofing incidents - shARP

Pengaturan Keylogger SMTP

Cara patching Sql Injection

Nix Audit Made Easier - Nix-Auditor

Distributed alerting for the masses! - Securitybot

A smart gateway to stop hackers and Malware attacks - FalconGate

The Hacker's ToolBox - PloitKit

iOS App Security Assessment Tool - idb

Security Update: Firefox and Thunderbird

security update: shadow, util-linux, and curl

COVERT Pro Portable #SharewareOnSale