Does anyone know?

While working on his book on the IP Enforcement Directive (2004/48), IPKat co-blogmeister Jeremy was pondering over Article 17, which reads as follows:
"Codes of conduct

Member States shall encourage:

(a) the development by trade or professional associations or organisations of codes of conduct at Community level aimed at contributing towards the enforcement of the intellectual property rights, particularly by recommending the use on optical discs of a code enabling the identification of the origin of their manufacture;

(b) the submission to the Commission of draft codes of conduct at national and Community level and of any evaluations of the application of these codes of conduct".
What Jeremy is wondering is this:
* Are there any such codes of conduct?

* How can one get hold of them?

* How are Member States supposed to encourage them?

* Why does the Commission want to see them? Is it in any way connected to the fight against fakes, or is it a secret way of making sure that trade and professional associations aren't doing anything that might be seen as contrary to EU competition rules?
If you know, or think you know - or have any interesting hypotheses - please email Jeremy here.

On the subject of the IP Enforcement Directive, LexisNexis Butterworths is running a one-day conference on 31 October 2006, at a secret venue in London, on IP Enforcement and Remedies: an international perspective on enforcement of rights and injunctive relief. Details aren't yet on the LNB website but the IPKat (no, he's not speaking this time round) has procured a pdf of the brochure and he'll be there. Email him here if you'd like to see it.

Some reminders ...

*** Fashion and IP: if you're hoping to attend the CLT conference on Intellectual Property and the Fashion Industry on 27 September, there's still time to book. Details here. IPKat co-bloggie Jeremy is chairing the event, in which he's running a workshop session. See you there?

*** Tomasz is coming to town: If you'd like to give Tomasz Rychlicki some interesting work experience in London, please let him know.Tomasz's bio and contact details were posted yesterday (just scroll down till you find them).

*** IPKat mail circulars: if you'd like each IPKat blog to be sent to you as an email the moment it's posted, just let the IPKat know here and he'll add you to the list. Like all Gmail newsgroup lists, the IPKat's list attracts occasional pieces of spam that creep under Google's radar - but he does his best to keep it clean.