The Pope denounces International Designs Agreement

The IPKat has just learned of two new developments relating to the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs. First, the Holy See (a.k.a. the Vatican) has announced that it is denouncing the London Act of the Hague Agreement, with effect from 4 August 2007, from which date the mini-state will cease to be a member of the Hague Union.

The IPKat is concerned at the Holy See's increasing isolation from the rest of the world, noting that it is only one of eight countries that has failed to become a member of the world's premier international body, FIFA. Says Merpel, I've heard of Papal Nuncios before, but never Papal Denuncios ...

Left: Members of the Holy See's soccer squad posing in their original home strip (1506), which is in dire need of a makeover.

Better news for international design enthusiasts is however close at hand. The Republic of Mali is signing up for the Hague Agreement itself, with effect from 7 September 2006.

Right: Mali's new football strip, modelled here, reputedly designed by soccer star turned fashion guru David Beckham and his wife Victoria

Hague Agreement: the text
Hague Agreement: list of members