The IPKat is grateful to Daniel Lee for pointing out that last week’s MacCoffee/McCafe case from Singapore is available online.
European patent meeting
Freedrik Nelsson writes with an invitation for IPKat readers to the STOA Workshop on Policy options for the European patent system
Date November 9th, 2006
Time 9am - 5pm
Who Open to the public
Where The European Parliament, 60, Rue Wiertz, Brussels, Belgium
Description The purpose of the patent system is to stimulate innovation
and growth. In recent years, it has expanded to cover new technologies, such as biotechnology and information and communication technology (ICT), and an increasing number of patents have been granted. This has raised many concerns. Does the patent system still fulfil its objectives, or does it, in some areas, hamper innovation?
The purpose of the workshop is to evaluate the system as it stands today and to discuss the need for reforms within the following focus areas:
* Flexibility and dynamism of the patent system
* Patents and access to market
* Governance of the patent system
In order to participate in the workshop, please register (at ).
Registration has to be done before November 1st and there are a limited number of seats.