A little programming fun, etc.

I was working on writing my book yesterday afternoon (for those of you who live in my area and know how nice it was outside, I know...shame on me for being inside), and was working on a section that has to do with the Windows Recycle Bin. Most forensic analysts are likely familiar with the Recycle Bin and how it works, as well as with Keith Jones's excellent description of the Recycle Bin records (1, 2), so this is more than likely nothing new.

For the book, I wanted to throw together a little script that can be used to parse the INFO2 file, in order to illustrate some concepts that I am trying to convey in section. To my surprise, it was easier than I thought...I got something put together that works amazingly well - my only stumbling block at this point is how to present the data in such a way as to be useful to widest range of folks.

This just shows how useful a little bit of programming skill can be. Something I've been thinking about adding to my list of ProDiscover ProScripts is a script that will go through the Recycler directory and look for files that are out of place...not only files that are in the Recycler directory itself, but those that are in the user's deleted files but not listed in the INFO2 file.

Way Too Funny
Okay, now this is just way too funny...I was doing a search on Amazon to see if my next book is up for early order yet (my publisher said that it would be soon), and I ran across my master's thesis! If you're suffering from insomnia, it's well worth the price to grab a copy of this thesis...I used video teleconferencing traffic to verify the fractal nature of ethernet traffic, so that real statistical models could be used (rather than assumed) for constructing buffers on switches at the edge of ATM clouds.

Anyway, this was really "back in the day" (re: 1996). I was using Java (which, with the help of O'Reilly, I had taught myself) to write an SNMP application to poll Cisco routers for traffic data. I then used MatLab to perform statistical analysis tests of the data to determine its "burstiness" and verify its fractal nature. The video conferencing came in because it allowed me to generate data...I could sit in front of one camera, across the room from the other camera, and have measurable traffic generated across the network. At the time, Notepad was my Java IDE...this was before IBM's Java IDE came out (I saw my first copy of the IBM Java IDE at the end of July, 1997).

Something new from ISC
There were a couple of items I found interesting on the SANS Internet Storm Center handler's diary recently.

One was this item about malware that uses a commercial tool to detect the existence of a virtual machine. Very interesting.

Another is this writeup on the FreeVideo Player Trojan, submitted by Brian Eckman (the writeup also appears on SecGeeks and First.org, among other locations). Brian's writeup is thorough and very comprehensive...I like seeing this sort of thing posted, as it's a nice break to see a submission like this. Brian put a lot of work into the writeup, and looked at a variety of areas on the system that were affected by this malware.

The one question I have (and would have for anyone) is this statement that was made:

Further analysis shows that this appears to inject itself into running processes.

Given the rest of the writeup, there really isn't anything that specifically states how Brian determined this. I'm sure we can come up with a variety of assumptions as to how he did it, or how we would go about doing it, but I'd like to hear from the author. I'm going to submit that as a question to him, and I'll let you know what I find out.