Here's a medley of little bits and pieces to keep you happy over the weekend as you gear yourselves up for the last week of November ...
The Ranbaxy/Pfizer Lipitor scoreboard. The IPKat's friend Duncan Bucknell has produced
this handy chart that shows how Ranbaxy's efforts to dismantle the patent power of Pfizer's Lipitor has fared internationally. So far it only features 13 countries. If anyone out there knows of developments in any of the other 200 or so countries, can they please either tell Duncan direct or feed the information to the IPKat, who will happily pass it on. While the IPKat's on the subject, don't even try to answer this one [inspired by Pfizer's IP portfolio]: what do you get when you cross Lipitor with Viagra ...?
Good news for bloggers - Californian immunity. This is from the
BBC, via the ever-vigilant Simon Haslam: a California court has ruled that neither bloggers nor internet service providers can be held liable for libellous statements posted on the internet via their facilities by a third party. Thinks the IPKat, logic dictates that the same should apply to third-party copyright infringements.
Left: the IPKat found this lovely pic on
Don't forget the WIPO New Logo Competition. The IPKat has been receiving entries from various sources - but not (yet) from ANYONE from the World Intellectual Property Organization. The prize: free entry to CLT's delectable
2007 Intellectual Property Conference, which will be held in London on Thursday 25 January 2007. Competition details
here. Conference details

Calling all IP publishers and editors. The IPKat is hosting, thanks to the generosity of Slaughter and May's London office, a buffet lunch on
Tuesday 19 December for

intellectual property law publishers and editors. Although the Kat has invited the people he knows about, he's sure there must be some more people involved in IP and whom he hasn't invited - either because he didn't know about them or because he missed them when trawling his database of contacts.
Above, left: the IP editors and publishers; right: the Great GrizzlySince there are still a couple of places available, anyone who feels that he or she can "bear" to be there - or should at least invited - should email the IPKat at and make themselves known. For the record, it's 12.3opm to 2.30pm and we have a
Great Grizzly keynote speaker too ...