The glorious grey entity that is the European Intellectual Property Review has been gracing the finest doormats in the land for a couple of weeks now. Found within are the following:

(Left) Your portal to IP goodness

* Gert Wurtenberger on why the ECJ and CFI are getting their assessment of trade mark confusion wrong;

* IPKat co-blogmeister Ilanah on the new performers’ moral rights regime, and what it means for performers, broadcasters, record companies and UK compliance with international copyright law (Part 2 of this article will follow next month)

* Mikko Valimaki and Ville Oksanen on DRM interoperability and IP policy in Europe

* R Stephen Crespi on the upcoming EPO patent cases involving human embryonic stem cells

* Patricia Akester and Francisco Lima on the law and economics of P2P and copyright, and how they’re evolving

* The usual pic ‘n’ mix of cases and book reviews.