The IPKat has been remiss in failing to note the contents of the December European Intellectual Property Review (EIPR) - so much so that the January issue is already out. He now seeks to rectify that omission:

December 2006
  • Alex Weedon on material transfer agreements
  • Pt 2 of IPKat co-bm Ilanah's article on the introduction of performers' moral rights
  • Nicholas Briggs on patent entitlement
  • Pt 1 of Thomas Hays' article on secondary copyright liability

  • Lee-Ann Tong on South African computer program copyright
  • Herman Cohen Jehoram on Dutch perfume copyright

January 2007

  • Thomas Riis and Jens Schovsbo on copyright and users
  • John Hull on academic collaborations and IP
  • Pt 2 of Thomas Hays' article (see above)
  • Anne Bateman on copyright implications of TVs in hotel rooms
  • Campbell Thomas andBill Ladas on Aussie TM protection for colours
  • An obit of Professor Zheng

An of course, the usual book reviews of case reports can be found in both issues.