Pssst - wanna help write a book? Out of the frying pan for Little Chef

Pssst - wanna help write a book?

The IPKat's friend and enterprising Human Lawyer Justin Patten has posted this on his blog:
"...I have been commissioned by Gower Publishing to write a book about blogging entitled Blogging and Other Social Media: Technology and Law.

In order to make the process of writing the book easier, more interesting and quicker, I have taken the step of creating a wiki for the book. Please click
here to see the wiki in action.

The rationale behind using the wiki rests on the principle that by using collaborative tools the final product, namely the book will be of better quality and can be done quicker".
Being a realistic IP man, Justin adds:
"I hope to be able to give an acknowledgement to anyone who makes a successful amendment in the book/helpful comment though I have yet to sort this out with the publisher".
The IPKat, noting the importance of crediting authorship, encourages Gower to agree to crediting wiki contributions too: even a couple of hundred 'assists' can fit neatly on a single page which, in normal publishing practice, might otherwise be empty. Merpel says, hang the credit - what about my royalties!

Out of the frying pan for Little Chef

Visitors to England have long marvelled at the quaintly irrational customs of the indigenous population: drinking warm beer on hot days, forming orderly queues at every opportunity and motoring off en famille to feast at one of LITTLE CHEF's 235 highly calorific roadside outlets - where (it is unkindly said) the only healthy thing is the appetite of the diners.

The IPKat is pleased to learn from the Telegraph that the precious British heritage that is the LITTLE CHEF brand - until this very minute in danger of commercial annihilation - has found a likely buyer in the form of Arazim, a company that is already landlord to more than a quarter of the LITTLE CHEF's outlets and which, presumably, would have a tough job finding a fresh tenant at short notice. Merpel sets this weblog's readers a challenge: develop a strategy for launching a successful LITTLE CHEF franchise for roadside bacon-beans-and-bangers in France.

Potted history of Little Chef here
The supreme irony: turning the Little Chef brand into independent outlets, here
The five worst foods you can eat here