Latest Trademark World

Other notable features include a report by Richard Kempner and Brian Clayton (Addleshaw Goddard) on the actual or supposed truth concerning internationally harmonised IP laws - and not just the usual European jurisdictions either - while Kieran Heneghan of Simmons & Simmons commits the grave sin of writing an otherwise blameless article called "What's in a Name", on the own-name defence to an action for trade mark infringement [note for authors: in a journal such as Trademark World, about half the articles every year could qualify for the title "What's in a Name?"].
Full contents of this issue here.
STOP PRESS: as is apparent both from the Comment posted below and from a whole batch of emails received by the IPKat, the mystery has been solved. Julia Anne Matheson and Anna Bonny are with the US intellectual property law firm of Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett & Dunner.