Friday fanfare

Right: The IP wiki is our sustainable future (piccie from
Latest news is that one quarter of the IPKat is meeting a possible backer this coming Wednesday with a view to discussing how the pilot project can best be put into effect and, ideally, funded. Further news will follow. If you want to be posted, please add inform the IPKat by email here. If you are a member of the judiciary and wish to add your credibility to the project by letting us shamelessly use your name, please put the word "judge" in the title line of your email ...

Recent posts have mentioned some of the IPKat's fellow IP blogs which have been freshened up lately. Here's another, Naked Law, which is written by a ten-man team of technology lawyers from Cambridge (England) based Mills & Reeve. This blog looks at the latest legal and regulatory developments relating to information and communication technology, e-commerce, and privacy. Keep up the good work, guys 'n' gals.
Right: Naked lawyers taking a client for a ride? No, a sample of art you can buy on Blue Bison

The Trade Marks Registry will be sending a representative and, the Kat reliably learns, more than 20 good souls have already signed up, which means that there is comfortably a critical mass.
If you'd like to come along, it's still not too late to notify Barbara Cookson by email here.
Left: this meeting is a golden opportunity to hear gnomic utterances from some solo sages (artwork available here)