Newsy bits

The IPKat can now confirm that this coming Tuesday's meeting for people who want to know more about Intellectual Property Wikis will be hosted at the London offices of Olswang (click here for directions). Those people who have indicated their intention to attend should have received email notices to that effect. If you'd like to come - and even try your hand at amending a wiki yourself - just email IPKat team blogger Jeremy here and let him know.

Right: expensive legal reference books waiting to be recycled, following the wiki revolution

Intellectual property activist Ben Goodger (Rouse & Co. International) has excitedly told the IPKat all about the speech he made at the Plenary Session of The United Nations Commission On International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) on Monday in Vienna on behalf of MARQUES (The Association of European Brands Owners).

Left: changing of the guards outside the Bank of England's fabled Intellectual Property Vaults

At this session, the lobbying efforts in respect of the draft Legislative Guide On Secured Transactions which Ben and others in the IP community have been toiling over for more than two years finally bore fruit: significant amendments to help IP owners were finally agreed by Member States. For previous reading on this issue see earlier IPKat posts here, here and here.

It must be the season for spring-cleaning websites. This time it's the turn of Human Law's Justin Patten. His freshened-up site reflects his interest both in intellectual property law and in mediation, and the site carries quite a few items on copyright too.