Promotion for Patents Court judge

It is with the greatest pleasure that the IPKat announces the elevation of The Honourable Mr Justice Pumfrey (right, as usual), one of the Patents Court judges for England and Wales, to the Court of Appeal.

Sir Nicholas, 56, was called to the Bar by the Middle Temple in 1975 and became a Bencher in 1998. Appointed a Queen's Counsel in 1990, he was Junior Counsel to Her Majesty's Treasury (Patents) from 1987 to 1990.

The IPKat reminds his readers of some of Sir Nicholas's recent decisions:
* Triumph Actuation Systems LLC v Aeroquip-Vickers Ltd and another [2007] EWHC 1367 (Pat) on patent amendments (see IPKat here);

* Miss World Ltd v Channel 4 on trade marks versus free speech (the IPKat's not sure this one's right, though);

* Cappellini's and Bloomberg's applications, on patentability and excluded subject-matter (see IPKat post here);

* Baxter v Abbott (on patents and insults, as the IPKat explains here).
The learned judge is a popular and approachable member of the British IP fraternity. His interests include sailing and he is believed to possess a particular affinity for the pedalo.