Friday flabbergasts

The IPKat's Girl Friday, Miri Frankel, refers to the Kat's recent posting on Angelina Jolie’s initial opposition to the Shiloh perfume trade mark application and the possibility of celeb baby endorsements… The Kat asked whether a parent would sell her baby in this way. Miri tells him that Britney Spears has taken steps to do exactly that. She has filed a US trade mark application, based on intent to use, for a trade mark in the name of her son, Sean Preston. If a celebrity baby's endorsement of perfume seemed inappropriate to the IPKat, Miri adds, note that the list of goods for which the SEAN PRESTON trade mark is sought includes G-strings, thongs and garter belts. The IPKat does not recommend the use of a search engine for thumbnails that include the terms "kitten" and any of the aforementioned items

Britney Spears here; Britney Spheres here
Ugly Baby archive here

The IPKat is pleased to announce that the Third Annual Intellectual Property Publishers' and Editors' Lunch will take place this year on Wednesday 12 December, kindly hosted by Olswang in its stylish Holborn (London) premises (left, well, not quite ...).

Having inadvertently wiped out the entire list while playing around with his Microsoft Outlook, IPKat team member Jeremy has recreated it (he thinks) pretty well from memory - but if (i) you think you were on the list last time but haven't heard from the IPKat yet about this year's meeting or (ii) you've never been invited in the past but think you jolly well should be, then please email the IPKat here and let him know. By the way, you don't have to be based in the UK if you want to come.

Entries for the IPKat's current competition seem to have dried up a bit, probably because so many trade mark examiners (who make up the bulk of the entrants) are on holiday these days - and experience has shown that they are at their most productive in terms of entering competitions when they do so during normal working hours.

Right: a trade mark examiner enters a new mark in the register (artist's impression)

It's actually the IPKat's fault that there aren't more entries so far: when he said that the competition was open to trade mark examiners, he meant that to be as well as ordinary mortals, not to the exclusion of them. Competition details here. The prize is complimentary admission and a FREE LUNCH at the CLT Intellectual Property in the Fashion Industry conference on 20 September (see here for full programme details).