French implement IP Enforcement Directive

Frédéric Glaize, French lawyer and blogmeister of Le petit Musée des Marques, has kindly tipped his friend the IPKat off about French law n° 2007-1544 reinforcing measures against IP infringement, which was published on 30 October in the Journal Officiel. This law (or loi, as we French-speakers like to call it) comes into force the day after its publication, in other words yesterday (Halloween). This law was passed in order to implement IP Enforcement Directive 2004/48 of 29 April 2004.

Right: specially trained French sniffer-cat in search of counterfeit dancing shoes

The text of this law is available in French here. While the English translation of the French IP Code has not yet been updated. a translation is available here. Bravo! et merci beaucoup, dit l'IPKat. But, says Merpel, isn't this law a little bit en retard? The date for implementation was 29 April 2006 ...