Frédéric Glaize, French lawyer and blogmeister of Le petit Musée des Marques, has kindly tipped his friend the IPKat off about French law n° 2007-1544 reinforcing measures against IP infringement, which was published on 30 October in the
Journal Officiel. This law (or
loi, as we French-speakers like to call it) comes into force the day after its publication, in other words yesterday (Halloween). This law was passed in order to implement IP Enforcement Directive 2004/48 of 29 April 2004.
Right: specially trained French sniffer-cat in search of counterfeit dancing shoesThe text of this law is available in French
here. While the English translation of the French IP Code has not yet been updated. a translation is available
Bravo! et merci beaucoup, dit l'IPKat. But, says Merpel, isn't this law a little bit
en retard? The date for implementation was 29 April 2006 ...