The IPKat's friend David Brophy (FR Kelly, Dublin) has told him that the full text of the judgment in the Irish Lipitor patent case (see IPKat post
here for details) is now available online from the Irish Courts Service website -- or you can take the short cut and read it
"They think it's all over ..." is the title of the 2007 Brands Lecture, delivered on 27 June by Birds Eye Iglo Group CEO
Martin Glenn. The lecture has now been published quite handsomely by the British Brands Group. Martin's lecture (noted by the IPKat
here). It highlights
" ... a diminishing belief that brand management can lead an organisation as it once did ..., proposing five functional improvements to transform its role, delivering real results for companies".

You can ask the British Brands Group for hard copies of this and earlier lectures in the series or - if you love trees and computers - you can download them as pdfs
here. There is no charge - the only price you pay is the challenge to the occasional long-held assumption about what brands are and how you can grow them.
The fourth in the QMIPRI Herchel Smith Seminar Series, "Quality is Everyone's Responsibility: Patent Quality, Patent Language and Harmonisation", will be held at QMIPRI's very pleasant new Lincoln's Inn Fields premises this coming Monday,
5 November 2007, at 6pm (for a 6.30pm start). The speakers this time round are
Hirohito Katsunuma (Kyoma, Japan),
Christopher Palermo (Cisco, San Francisco, USA) and
Gwilym Roberts (Kilburn & Strode, London UK). Entry is free, as are the enjoyable refreshments which await those who thirst after knowledge (!). Space is limited, so it's a good idea to
email your intentions if you're planning to attend. Attendance at the seminar is a neat way to earn Law Society and General Council of the Bar CPD accreditation (2 points).