Pimp my...Registry analysis

There are some great tools out there for viewing the Registry in an acquired image. EnCase has this, as does ProDiscover (I tend to prefer ProDiscover's ability to parse and display the Registry...) and AccessData's Registry Viewer. Other tools have similar abilities, as well. But you know what? Most times, I don't want to view the Registry. Nope. Most times, I don't care about 90% of what's there. That's why I wrote most of the tools available on the DVD that ships with my book, and why I continue to write other, similar tools.

For example, if I want to get an idea of the user's activity on a system, one of the first places I go is to the SAM hive, and see if the user had a local account on the system. From there, I go to the user's hive file (NTUSER.DAT) located in their profile, and start pulling out specific bits of information...parsing the UserAssist keys, etc...anything that shows not only the user's activities on the system, but also a timeline of that activity. Thanks to folks like Didier Stevens, we all have a greater understanding of the contents of the UserAssist keys.

Now, the same sort of thing applies to the entire system. For example, one of the tools I wrote allows me to type in a single command, and I'll know all of the USB removable storage devices that had been attached to the system, and when they were last attached. Note: this is system-wide information, but we now know how to tie that activity to a specific user.

On XP systems, we also have the Registry files in the Restore Points available for analysis. One great example of this is the LEO that wanted to know when a user had been moved from the Users to the Administrators group...by going back through the SAM hives maintained in the Restore Points, he was able to show approximately when that happened, and then tied that to other activity on the system, as well.

So...it's pretty clear that when it comes to Registry analysis, the RegEdit-style display of the Registry has limited usefulness. But it's also clear that there really isn't much of a commercial market for these kinds of tools. So what's the answer? Well, just like the folks who get their rides or cribs pimped out on TV, specialists bring a lot to the table. What needs to happen is greater communication of needs, and there are folks out there willing and able to fulfill that need.

Here's a good question to get discussion started...what's good, easy-to-use and easy-to-access format for a guideline of what's available in the Registry (and where)? I included an Excel spreadsheet with my book...does this work for folks? Is the "compiled HTML" (ie, *.chm) Windows Help format easier to use?

If you can't think of a good format, maybe the way to start is this...what information would you put into something like this, and how would you format or organize it?