Stamping out non-infringers

Right: Andromache, by Giorgio De Chirico - one of the artists whose work lies at the heart of this ECJ reference
The Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori (Italian Society of Authors and Publishers, or SIAE), an ad hoc public body, is responsible for these signs. By Italian law,
"1. Any person who ... sells or rents video cassettes, music cassettes or any other medium containing phonograms or videograms of cinematographic or audiovisual works or sequences of moving images which do not bear the mark of the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers (SIAE) in accordance with this law and with the implementing regulation shall be punished with a term of imprisonment of between three months and three years and with a fine of between ITL 500 000 and ITL 6 000 000".In February 2000 the Public Prosecutor investigated Schwibbert (the legal representative of KJWS Srl) and confirmed that, he held some CDs of reproductions of the works of the artists Giorgio De Chirico and Mario Schifano for sale in the company’s warehouses. Those CDs, imported from Germany with a view to being sold at cultural events, did not bear the distinctive ‘SIAE’ sign. A record of the seizure of those CDs was drawn up in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure, in which it was stated that, after initial examination, the goods appeared to be counterfeit.

The Court ruled:
"Directive 98/34 ... laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on Information Society services, as amended by Directive 98/48..., must be interpreted as meaning that national provisions such as those at issue in the main proceedings – in so far as such provisions introduced, after the implementation of Council Directive 83/189 ... laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations, the obligation to affix the distinctive sign ‘SIAE’ to compact discs of works of figurative art for the purposes of marketing them in the Member State concerned – constitute a technical regulation which, if not notified to the Commission, cannot be invoked against an individual".The IPKat thinks this must be right -- and he finds it sad that, at a time when Europe is being overrun by fakes, infringements and counterfeits, the Italians took a break from their war on real criminals to sue someone who appears to have been anything but an infringer. Merpel adds, the time taken between the initial referral and the ECJ's preliminary ruling was just one month short of three years. Is this a sign of serious slippage in the ECJ's ability to process references from national courts, or are there specific reasons for the delay?