DFRWS 2008 Announcement

The DFRWS 2008 CfP and Challenge have been posted!

The CfP invites contributions on a wide range of subjects, including:
  • Incident response and live analysis
  • File system and memory analysis
  • Small scale and mobile devices
  • Data hiding and recovery
  • File extraction from data blocks (“file carving”)
And here's a couple that should be interesting:
  • Anti-forensics and anti-anti-forensics
  • Non-traditional approaches to forensic analysis
Submission deadline is 17 Mar, with author notification about 6 wks later.

I may submit something on Registry analysis...we'll have to see. This may be a good segue into a book...I've been thinking that based on some new tools I've been working on, as well as data collected since Windows Forensic Analysis was published, I may have enough to put together a book just on Registry analysis.

This year's challenge is similar to 2005's, except that this time the issue is Linux memory analysis.

This year, the conference is in Baltimore ("Bahlmer"), MD, 11-13 Aug 2008.